New Hairstyle Help?

i'm Starting My Junior Year in high school in a few weeks and i would like to try a new hair style. i've been wearing it straight down (with a few ponytails here and there) and i don't know what to try...and sugesstions?
Here's A pic if u need to see how my hair looks..
thanks Happy

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4 replies since 1st August 2010 • Last reply 1st August 2010

Are you intending to cut/grow your hair, or are you just looking for a different way of styling it?

I'm not a hairstylist (only a makeup artist/skincare consultant), so I can't give specific professional advice, but I can tell you to look into hairstyles for an oval face shape. At least, you seem to have a very oval face shape, from what I could see in the photo (and that's a good thing!). That should be a great starting point. Happy

BTW--you are lucky! The most coveted face shape is oval. Happy

Good luck, and keep us posted! Happy

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When you say changing your hairstyle what exactly do you mean? Do you mean you want to cut/grow it? Change colour? Wear it differently?

If you want to cut or grow it then do just that... there are some websites and softwares where you could upload a piccie of your face and try out different hair styles that they have.

If you want to wear it differently (updo's) check out youtube, there are many updo how-to's.

Unless you are against or don't want to dye your hair, changing your hair colour is a new way of giving you a new look without changing your actual hair style!!

I hope this helps.

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There are a lot you can do with your hair! Happy My friends have the same hairtype as you and they have amazing hairstyles. I sometimes get envious. Here are a few things I've seen them do.

1. Weaves. My friends have short hair, but they have long luscious locks when they have weaves on. Weaves are amazing.
2. You can go all natural with your hair and have an afro. I suggest deep conditioning 3 times a week. Curly hair can easily get brittle.
3. I really suggest you going to a salon who specializes in your hairtype. They know what to do with your hair and what not to do. (my friend learned the hard way). If you already have a hairstyle in mind, show a picture to your hairstylist.

I hoped this helped. Peace!

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thanks everyone for your post Happy they sound awesome..and sorry i wasnt so clear..i want to grow my hair out so that it goes past my shoulders....and if i cant get that to happen then id like to try something else with my bangs of something...i dont want to cut my hair because it takes long for it to grow back...

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