Think outside the box Q&A!

180 replies since 19th November 2008 • Last reply 19th November 2008

because the shapes usedput you into a sort of mental trance and the colours affect the part of your brain that makes you happy, everyone likes to be happy and so it becomes addictive because you want that feeling all the time.
what did the first person to milk a cow think they were doing?

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since the first cow made its apearance in history, there have been rumours of what they really are and where they really come from. sticking to their true form, the humans decided to capture a few cows and do experiments on them until they could find something useful to do with them.eventually,they worked their way down to the udders and began pulling and was weeks before any human was brave enough to ingest the substanc which we now know as milk.the humans decided to make the cows milk slaves for the rest of eternity and genitically enhanced the cows until they became what they are today.

why does toast always fall with the jam part on the floor? Happy haha

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Jam loves dirt!

why do we get headaches?

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Headaches are caused by thoughts and ideas that you push to the back of your mind. These thoughts expand causing pressure in your skull in a process called "cephalic-artifexial suppresion"

Why are rabbit's feet lucky?

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Rabbit's feet are lucky because they hop around in clover patches alot.. the 4 leafed clovers get absorbed into the foot.. thus making it lucky.

How do cat's purr?

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Cats purr because they have mini radiators inside them and gently hum... this is also why they keep us so warm when they are asleep on us...

Why does Red Bull make us hyper?

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Because in side each little atom of red bull is a very miniature bull trying to get out and attack the other miniature bulls causing a great energy to form within the miniature bulls that runs like little ripples to greater ripples to magnificent ripples until whatever touches the mighty ripples feels the same way as that oh so tiny bull.

Why are feathers so light?

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Because there are puny tiny fairies helping you carry them. You can't see them or feel them. They're microscopic.

How are laptops so flat?

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A: Because Laptops are actually Maxi-Chips (like a Micro-chip) which Giants use to obtain information about our species, and when we are sleeping they plug these Maxi-chips into their Extremely Large computers which collects all our data, but little do they know - their extremely large computer is actually an Giganticachip which is collecting data about them for the Mini people who are so advanced in their technology they are able to make something appear "Gigantic" when it is really the size of a spec of dust... so in the end the Mini people who live beneath our feet, know all there is to know, they have the most resources available to them even though to us it seems we are running out of them, like water. Yet the whole community of mini peeps can live of a single drop of water for a whole year... slowely they are trying to wipe us out, letting us use up all our resources and think we are destroying the planet so they can eventually be the sole occupants of this world.... beware the mini man!!!!!

Q: Why does our hair go Grey?

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Q:Because we wear lots of silver jewelry, and it deposits little bits of silver dust into our skin, and we absorb it over years. Then, depending on how vain you are, you may start having grey hairs in your thirties, or later, if you're humble and kind. So vain people who wear lots of silver(or white gold) jewelry, will eventually have silver hair.

Q:What is the meaning of life? (bonus points if you can give the Hitchhiker's Guide answer, as well as your own.)

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AHHH I've never read the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe Happy

My answer however:
The meaning of life is to live without eating a couch, even though we all know how difficult to resist it is!!

Q: Why do we dress up for Halloween?

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Awesome...It's so hard to walk past a couch without my mouth 42 is the famous answer in the books.

A:We dress up on Halloween to commemorate all of our favorite funny, scary, if you're a girl in college-hoochie, or cool things. Since superheroes get to sneak around as someone else whenever they feel the need, we all have the urge to do that, too. So, for one night a year, we all dress up in costumes to fulfill our costume kink-errr, needs. LOL

Q:Why is Jared Padalecki(from Supernatural and Gilmore Girls) so insanely attractive?

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Because he's an amputee centaur.

Why are Leopards spotty?

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because they got tired of just being plain and decided to roll around in some dark mud one day, thus resulting in their spopts Happy

what makes cameras work?

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A:I'm not sure about digital cameras but old 35mm ones are equipped with a gnome artist who chisels and paints the negitive so you can later print out his work of art....This is how gnomes get their degree in fine arts!

Q:Why do Chihuahuas shake?

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