You don't have to go home, but you DO have to get the HECK OUT of this comfort zone! ... challenge...
ALRIGHT, so this is basically a challenge to get OUT of your crafty comfort zone and expand your crafty know-how
SO I have never picked up a crochet hook or knitting needles or... yarn really.
so I took it upon myself [idk how, I just suddenly got into it in the span of like... 10 hours... ] to learn to CROCHET!
I'm happy.
so I'll upload pics in a while. Now its YOUR turn.
well i guess this is different...i went to goodwill to their as is lot and got a straw fossil clutch purse for 25 cents...yesterday I painted on it...i always wanted to tatoo purses but never had the courage to do so. I will load a pic soon, i need to wait for my phone to charge so I can use it.
tomorrow [hopefully] I'll be recieving some shrink plastic that I bought from ebay, I've never used it before but I'm super excited to try & make some jewellery with it.
I'll post pics once I'm done... wish me luck!
I made a book the other day! Never done that before =)
I'm attempting to make all my holiday gifts this year. Or at least... most... of them. Either crochet or other craftiness.
Not really... "out" of my comfort zone but a lot MORE crafting than I have ever done, so I figure it counts
Here it is sorry for the lighting on my phone
also here is the kewlest tree i saw while at the bus stop waiting for lillian. it so pretty.
I made a really big suncatcher for my mother-in-law... actually, I'm not completely finished yet :\ I did it out of melted plastic and based it on the Starry Night painting. I'll post a pic tomorrow when the sun is up definitely stepping way out of my comfort zone with the plastic AND the whole art thing
i'm baking for pretty much all my friend's christmas presents this year!! cookies, cakes, and cupcakes X]
this is like 12" x 19"! quite the undertaking. I'm planning on putting it in a nice wood frame... maybe mounting some lights inside the frame. not sure yet, though.
Wow that looks awesome!
I'm trying to make most of my presents this year. The only ones I'm not doing are for most of my family, because I know they wouldn't appreciate it so there's no point wasting time and money! Might as well give them what they want
aww... you must have a family of guys I only ever make stuff for the gals since the guys seem to be happiest with DVD's or money! no one ever seems very sure of what they want anyway, so unless they're specific, they get something I've made ;) which they either do like or they're just really nice about it
I try to keep in mind their likes/dislikes, so I feel fairly good about this one. the moon and stars didn't come out how I wanted them too... but I really don't know what else to do about it at this point
thanks, though!
ahh! totally forgot.... Sugarlishes - great job on the purse I can't paint under perfect conditions let alone on something with that much texture
and what a bargin! I never find good deals like that at my store.
I have two brothers, a sister, mum and dad. I know my big brother wants some sushi making supplies, my little brother wants a hat, my dad wants a tool box and my mum wants me to make her a bag charm. I don't know about my sister yet but I suspect she'll want a DVD or something. She doesn't wear jewellery and doesn't like buttons so I'm always stuck with what to get her.
I'm gonna be knitting a hat today I've only ever made one and it was a few years ago so we'll see how it turns out! it's kinda out of my comfort zone since I'm not really comfortable knitting anything other than straight scarves, and I'll hafta do this on double pointed and circular needles.
maybe you could make like a DVD case/holder kinda thing and put a movie in it for her? that'd be kinda cool. I'm going to need to find a better way to store my movies. I don't understand why they make the cases as big as they are when the disc is flat! it'd be nice to just have a book to flip through instead of having shelves overflowing with cases.
Well they have things like that for CDs so I guess you could just use one of those =)
Eurgh, talk about out of my comfort zone - I'm making a Magic The Gathering deck holder for Tim's friend. I feel dirty.
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