Think outside the box Q&A!
"Q: Why do boys hate Fall Out Boy
A: Boys hate anything and anyone who look hotter then them. lol"
ahah thats what i tell boys when they say they hate fall out boy, i say "well ur just jealous all the girls like pete wentz and not you!"
A: because, there used to be a person named gravity and he would always push people down. so gravity is just the ghost of that boys, constantly pushing people down
Q: What would happen if i walked through a mirror?
A: You'd turn into a mermaid and wind up in Neverland!!! The whole second star to the right thing was just to keep away unwanted visitors, y'know.
Q: Why are cottonballs white?
A: Because they use a lot of sunscreen.
Q: What is cheese made out of?
A: Despite rumours that it is made through the dairy process cheese in fact is a secret recipe, one which I know due to family acquaintances(brother's friend's girlfriend's neighbour's stepfather's dog's vet's cousin). The ingredients include: a dash of lemon juice, banana skins, sun rays, sunflower petals and one final ingredient.
Q: what's the final ingredient to cheese?
A: Love, cuz without it, cheese will never taste so good.
Q:Where babies come from? (I ask the same question to my mom when I was a little girl.... lol!)
A: Babies come from a magical land that can only be reached through a whimsical portal in the back seat of a car. Not all cars have whimsical portals that lead to the magical land of babies. Just the cars with the smallest of backseats. At least that's what my mother told me . . .
Q: Who invented toilet paper?
A: That bear in the Charmin commercial invented it!
Q: Why do crickets chirp?
A: They used to be minstrels and they miss their trade.
Q: What is the Moon made of?
A: The Moon is made out of glow in the dark styrofoam.
Q: Why do boys never call when they say they will?
A: because they were born with less IQ than women, that's why they can't retain any of their promises.
(I think I was a little rough, sorry men!) XD
Q: why do eclipses happen?
A:Because the sun thinks we are all 6 month year olds who like to play peek-a-boo!
Q: Why is there no sand in a sandwich?
because the sand was to gritty
Q. How do lights work?
A: Light bulb companies have a special cache of lightening bugs/fireflies that they use to power their bulbs.
Q: Who invented music?
A:There was a person who loved sounds so much, named Music, so she put them all together and named the different sounds after herself.
Q:Why are high-heels attractive?
A: Cause their really a mind controll techinque, people are to busy staring at them to think for themselves after all.
Q.) Why are some people tall, and some people short?
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