Think outside the box Q&A!

180 replies since 19th November 2008 • Last reply 19th November 2008

LOL KK that was fantastic. LOVE Fight club. hah.
(LOVE The Matrix too... Tongue ...there may not be a star, but there totally IS a spoon.)

A: Well... someone, somewhere, decided that a dry piece of spaghetti was sexy as HELL. *raises a brow*

Q: What are pencils used for?

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I'm assuming you know that because you put it in "these", but it gets me mad when people say that! lol

His name is joe in the book, and in the movie, he is no one. He is "narrator", lol. For those who don't know, he says "I am jack's *insert various things here*" because earlier in the movie, when Tyler was riding around the house on a bike, he was reading something in like Time magazine or something, and it was a few different columns or something that were about various body parts talking in the first person.

Like "I am jacks spleen", "I am jill's nipples", "I am Jack's colon" [to which tyler says "I get cancer. I kill Jack." Which always made me laugh, and then I felt bad... lol]

SORRY! But Chuck P. Is my home boy and that MOVIE is my life, and yea... lol. I watched it twice everyday for two weeks....

A: Well there is an X-rated answer to that, and then there is THIS ONE.

You know the number on the pencil? Well 2 is the most common, but there are all different numbers and weights, etc. They are there, not to define what KIND of pencil it is... but where it will take you! Its like you hear about pushing the right combination of buttons on a soda machine and you get to the menu and get to do a bunch of fun stuff. Same thing. But instead of all the change, or a free soda, IT TAKES YOU to different places. The past, the present, the future, the present as you'd wish it to be, the present as you'd hate it to be, the future with you rich, the future with you famous, the future with your mom ....

anyway. Number two is the most common because the people who KNEW about this magickal thing realized that 2 was the portal to what you most wanted in life. Those who had no clue what they are REALLY used for just saw everyone else using them and figured they are better. Thats why you see a bunch of people with number two who arn't in magickal awesome land. Happy

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...I know Dis, that's why I put them in inverted commas. And his name ISN'T Joe in the book, he doesn't have a name in the book either, it's just the same thing as in the film as in "I am Joe's raging bile-duct".

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now I wanna go watch fight club for the 10496th time. lol

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is it?

Oh, well I haven't read the whole book yet, and my teacher said his name was Joe. So he is stupid as well. :

I don't know why, that is just such a pet peeve of mine... its really weird

and Yea, I figured you knew, but for thsoe who DIDN'T! [tsk tsk to you! lol] I ranted to them Happy

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ok. Pencils are used by students who are bored, they use them as darts and throw them at the celing.

Q. What is a question?

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A: a question is an automatic statement issued by the National Association for Bamboozlement when something doesnt' make sense.

Q: What are feet for?

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A. Feet are a curious object, they are attached to your body and help your legs in moving.

Q. What are cats made from?

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cats are made from the meatload leftovers that harden in your fridge.

Sadly, sometimes people still eat the now-catificating meatload and thats why it seems to "move".... because it is moving. Its a cat...

Q: Why are button so amazing?

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Buttons are amazing because everyone whos fate was to be a super duper crafter was born with a button chip in their brain, making all buttons in the world AMAZING!

Why do little kids eat glue?

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A. Because they think its liquid marshmello

Q. Why do dogs sniff butts?

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A.The reason for dogs sniffing butts is to simple back in the old days when sheep dogs protect the chickens slept at night , while they were sleeping a wolf with magey fur resembling the poor sheep dogs sneaked in and killed a few chickens. So from now on when the sheep dogs reunite at the end of the day they sniff each other to make sure its not a wolf in disquise.

Q.How are potatoe chips made?

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A. Giants step on the potatoes and squash them into flat peices

Q. Why is the earth round?

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because the earth is really a giant felt egg.

We were flat and fluffy until someone saw the "felt eggs" on CO+K and decided to make one, and used the earth.

It was their first time, and thats why its more round than egg-like.

Keeping with the Egg thing.

Why are deviled-eggs called 'deviled' eggs? c'mon, be creative, don't use something about satan or hell, be CREATIVE! B-E-CREATIVE!

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A: well, you see... sometimes when you have an exuberant amount of chickens in one barn, they start to fight for the attention of the rooster. Some hens go to extreme lengths to eliminate the competition, and have been known to "henpeck" the other hens into submission. These "evil" hens eventually find the eggs they lay are... different.... they have this... odd, reddish, fiery glow o them... when cooked... these eggs taste FANTASTIC, but are quite fattening. So.. they earned a reputation, and are now called Deviled Eggs.

(Ok so I used the evil factor but avoided hell and satan... good? lol)

Q: where do sweaters come from?

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