Posts by DIS.AR.RAY

    OHHH YAY, The creator gets to do my stuff Happy Awesome!

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    OHH, i really want [white] kneehigh converse as well! I want to draw all over them, like i did in my "amazing shoe recon wip" creation Happy Awesome friggin sauce. Happy

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    lol yea they think I'm a hippie, cause I am Happy But I'm not a stoner hippie.

    I actually have, to one, but most of my teachers don't hang out. We have 100+ staff members at my school so they don't all talk.

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    "OH NO" Mr. Mint says in a polite but nervous voice. "The heat from the tea would melt me. You see, I am made completely of sugar. We all are".

    "we... who is we"

    "Me, Frank, the-"


    "oh... uh... he ... didn't he tell you"

    [DUN DUN DUN!!!]

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    HAHA. So I told my mom about the Game night and I asked why we never had one. she said she had always played scrabble with her mom, and when we went to Barns and Noble, we SAW THIS CUTE LITTLE scrabble-on-the-go thing, and I'd never played it, so we got it Happy

    And here is a video of us playing it. It was an accidental video actually. The camera wasn't working, so I was just checking to see if it finally did... AND IT DID! So this is that. Happy

    <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""> </param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"> </embed> </object>

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    NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO THOUGH! Ugh, that would be so awesome. : jj

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    OH I lLOVE the feet shot! Thats awesome! And the colligraphs, those are all really ineresting. Happy

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    awww, that sucks! I remember when I was older than her, I was around 7, I had LONG LONG LONG beautiful hair that I loved. It was down to my butt and I was a tomboy, but that was my ONE girly feature. I had so much hair that I ended up getting a small knot at the back of my neck that would be really hard to comb out, so Tony [my dad] decieded to take my favorite part of me and CUT IT ALL OFF! and into a BOB! And ugly one... lol.

    Hair and children are not fun : lol.

    Next time is happens, if with a lolly pop, you could use boiling hot water [like, hold her hair up and put something protective so it doesn't hit her skin] and that will melt the lolly pop out of her hair Happy

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    lmfao! I love hippies, especially ones with vans and dreads and.... one that... does turns?

    anyway, she went to the specialist [after considerable drama... well... moreso than already], and he told her to come back in three months, which is good! Because if he thought it was cancer, he would have schedules a biopsy right away, but he just told her to come in in three months to check up and see if it was still there. Which is good Happy

    AND SHE'S HAD A BREAKTHROUGH! She's still a very closed off person and all that, but at least she is trying.

    We had a talk a while ago and I told her [not in a mean incriminating way, just in a topic kind of way] and I said , jokingly [we joke like this, we are incredibly sarcastic, but we never actually hurt eachother] that anyone who meets her and somehow finds out about her past might think she is a sociopath. lol. I know better, because I know the reasons she does what she does, but yea... So she is trying to get better at opening up and stuff.

    SO YEA, good Happy

    Second problem still applies, but I'll get through it.

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    Well yea Queeny, if I were you and got all those job possibilities and none worked out, I probably would have thrown my computer out the damn window! lol.

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    pint to flint? lol well maybe pint -> lint -> flint

    but yeat...

    sling ---> sting

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    anyway, be-beh clothing... hmmm

    incredibly cute baby clothes Happy I like the pants with the duckies Happy

    SOOO, find me a skull pattern. preferably a scarf or hat.

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    [the fork prongs, or a test of TB, or a town in Sudan, or a male/female name, or one of the largest dairy producers in Norway]

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