oh jeez... I'd tell it all but I believe that would be exceeding the bandwidth
uhm.... When I was little, I got sick a lot because I had constant ear infection, and tonsilitis [which just RECENTLY got fixed]. Sometimes I used to fake it [obviously, because I was a kid in Jr. High! lol]. Soon my mom caught on, and then when I was genuinly sick, she thought I was faking it.
So now when I get sick [like I have been for the past three days], I use my special make-up skills to look horrible. Nothing over the top, but I darken my dark circles, give myself a fever [but an "under the skin one... that ones that look real] with lipstick rubbed deeply in, and then half-sheer conselor [I can't spell well at the moment]. Then I do all the things OPPOSITE of the "tricks to shine" type of thing. Instead of a highlight under the brow, I darken it. Instead of a highlip above the lip and a hue on the lip, I darken above my lip and put foundation on my lips [but rub it in really good so its hard to tell your lips arn't as red as they should be]. I put dark eyeshadow on my lower lids, but blend it in really well so they just look a tiny bit sunken it, and voila.
if I had figured this out when I was younger, I would do it just to get out of school, but now i only do it when I really am sick. I still consider it bad though.
Posts by DIS.AR.RAY
thats sad. Lets hope its gone by thursday.
Have you ever had that... where you're incredibly sick, cannot stop coughing, feel like CRAP, and then you go to the doctor and you don't cough or sneeze or look gross and the thinks your insane? Well I get it all the time
Ugh. I think thats the only real world that sums it all up. The hopelessness and the frustration, the giving up but the being strong, everything.
it is a good argument.
I think there are so many arguments, because pretty much everyone who is SURE is either uninformed or misinformed.
This is just idle speculation from my encounters with religions zealouts, and then just people with faith. It always seem to be that the zealots are the ones with the wrong/mis-information. The ones with faith who are modest about it, and though devout, know its THEIR religion, not anyone elses... those are the people I love talking to. They are the ones who read and find out and are interested and believe, not because their parents told them to, but because its what they feel deep in their heart.
the more zealots, the more idiocy. The more idiocy, the more incorrect information. The more incorrect information, the more arguments AGAINST it.
Which is why I think religious zealots are stupid. They are working against their own goal.
Me and my friend painted a really crappy golden gate bridge [for school] and it was awesome. I love it.
ohhh, good thing?
What Queeny said
I've decided on a tattoo to get.
I AM IN LOVE with the idea.
Alright, so I'm wiccan, and I'm extremely devout. I have a few other religions intertwined with my beliefs, because I cannot shape my beliefs to fit a certain religion, but wicca is extremely close. So, what I've decided on is each element on the corresponding body part if your body was a pentagram.
So , top is spirit or akasha, left "wing" is air, left "leg" is earth, right "leg" is fire, right "wing" is water
the tattoo's will correspond to if one were to look at me
So my RIGHT hand/wrist will get the air, my RIGHT foot/ancle gets earth, and so on and so forth. Then for spirit, a simple pentagram on the back of my neck
Since I was 12, I knew I wanted SOMETHING on me to symbolize my beliefs, and I am SO HAPPY with this idea. I'm not getting it for a while [because, though I usually act on impulse, I'm not an idiot. I'm waiting a year and if I'm still SO EXCITED, then I'm getting it].
I've always believed what I do, btw, I just didn't have a name for it when I was younger, so I severley doubt my beliefs will change.
but yea.. I'm so happy!
well... ours arn't wooden, they are metal, and all lock. Lockers are given out at random, except WHERE in the school your locker is.
We have two floors, and there are lockers on the left and right sides of the bottom floor, left and right sides of the top floor, and in the middle on both floors as well.
Freshman and sophomores get a random locker in the middle somewhere, where jr's and seniors get lockers on the sides.
I don't even use my locker. I put my calculator in my friends locker, but thats it.
And we've got a calender in there, but thats just because its funny.
A lot of girls [usually one's with top lockers] have mirrors with magnets on them.
What's a file Queeny? Is that like... a binder? or a folder? a notebook? lol
yea, I have had two horrible swaps. One, ezme already said, we did a swap, and she didn't get my stuff, but I got hers. I revamped it... sent it.. .and she never got it.
It sucked, because that was a badass shirt. I wasn't so sad when my stuff got lost, because it was just a cheapo bag, but I felt horrible, because I think it was my fault. I might have written the address wrong? I don't know... I seem to do that.
But I did another swap, and my partner still hasn't sent it. I don't blame her at all thought, because her father had a stroke or a heart attack, and she has to take care of him, so I understand that on her list of priorities, a swap with a person on the internet isn't at the top of the list, lol.
I always try and find out WHAT happened first... because I know, usually, they have a good reason.
UGH! alright ranting about x's now. X boyfriend number 1. I've liked him since I was 12 at the boys and girls club, then when I was 14, my best friend turned out to be FRIENDS with him, and we found this out when we went to see a movie [I was going with her and her friends] and... its him. That day, after the movie, he asked me out. We never saw eachother. Once a month or maybe twice. He was grounded, I was grounded, we talked on aim tons, and on Myspace. He was really funny, and sweet, and smart. He made me feel wanted. We broke up though [him with me], not because we didn't like eachother, but because we never saw eachother. A year or two later, he asked me out again, same thing happened, I broke up with him this time. Again, we still liked eachother, but we never saw eachother. So this past year... because I'm an idiot, we started hanging out, and we saw eachother often, so we got BACK TOGETHER. I was extremely reluctant, but... I felt like he could be the one. I always thought that I could fall in love with him. My fantasies... always about him. My dreams.. him, it was always him him him. Even between our "spats" of relationships, when i was dating another guy, I thought about HIM. Number 1. After we got together... we hung out more... but... I was so worries. When we saw eachother... we are so attracted to eachother that we just did.. physical things. I've never had sex, and we didn't do oral because I wasn't ready. I was to young. But we would make out until he had to go... just so much sexual tension. He was grounded, and we would see eachother when he said he was "excersizing", so we couldn't talk on aim or myspace. And I'm ALWAYS afraid to be the "nagging" girlfriend, so I never would say anything. I'd never ask why he didn't call, or why we never talked. I brought it up once, but.. he is so eloquent, and when I talk to him, I stumble over my words and I mess up and I'm so lightheaded... its crazy. So I ended up telling him that I wasn't comfertable with him sexually because I felt I really didn't know him. We talked on aim, and we've made out... but we haven't talked a lot in person. I don't know HIM, and I didn't feel like he knew me. We've KNOWN eachother for 5 years... but I didn't think he understood who I was. We talked a little more when we hung out... And then someone "truth boxes" him [myspace application] saying that I am cheating on him with the writer of the message, and that i feel horrible about it, but the writer loves it. I have NEVER cheated on anyone. I haven't even thought about it. Especially HIM. I fantasized about HIM when I was with other guys, AND when I was with him. There was no one else. So I called him up and told him this. he said he believed me, but that the message got him thinking about how our relationship wasn't working because WE NEVER TALKED. THE THING I WAS NAGGING HIM ABOUT DOING. THE THING I WANTED TO DO MORE... we didn't do enough of it... he broke up with me. I'm still incredibly attracted to him, especially when I hang out with his friends [who are my friends as well, but they are closer with him] because I get to see who i was missing. But I also realize... we've tried 3 times... there is NOT A CHANCE IN HELL that its happening again. So I go to a mutual friends party saturday, he was there, I didn't feel awkward. Not one bit. I liked seeing him as a friend. He was a good boyfriend, but he is a great friend. but apparently, according to my friends, he was hitting on me and he still liked me. Which just... it infuriated me. I could explain it so much better, but this is already so long... it just. I felt so much for this guy.... I've put everything I had into him, all my hope, my faith, trust, extreme emotions, and I was rejected. I got up, I moved on, and I dealed. I got above it... and now... he's trying to suck me back in? Haven't I been through enough with this guy? I just... I want to have OTHER FAILED RELATIONSHIP... not the same one over and over. I can't keep learning the same lesson over and over, taking pieces of me away each time. ugh.. why are boys so confusing?!
OH MY GOD! HOW DARE THEY! [this is about the 9 year old raped]
I dont' understand how someone can be SO STUPID!
its disgusting.
Abortion sucks, yes. But I believe in the right to choose... and it seems to me they really didn't have a choice.
MOST anti-abortionists have a small clause in their morals saying "unless the mother is in LIFE THREATENING DANGER".
I cannot believe they haven't ARRESTED THAT SONOFABITCH!
THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT! HE RAPED HER! HE MOLESTED THE DAUGHER OF A WOMAN HE CLAIMED TO LOVE. Oh my god... I can't believe human beings are capable of this... LACK of thought! God.... I'm so angry!
I'm about to read the article you just posted, jasmin, but on the original post... I'm so confused
I think its horribly sad. I've been lucky, because I'm an intelligent girl, I understood sex and the std's and everything by the time I was six. I could decode my parents not-so-sly innuendos, so when people DON'T know about different things with sex... Its just so confusing because I haven't lived it.
Its incredibly sad, because I know that boy wants to be a good father, but I know it won't happen. Its not mature enough. He can't comprehend the position he is in, and he has put his family in. And I'm just basing this speculation on his father's description of him as a "normal 13 year old boy".
I have an EXTREMELY ADVANCED 13 year old cousin who is not NEARLY mature enough.
I'm 18, and I believe I could be a good mother [but... I've raised a child when my aunt ran off, so I've got MILD experience], but I know that I'm STILL BARELY mature enough.
Its just... a sucky situation that I think could have been prevented. :
I didn't read ANY of the posts, so I don't know if its already been answered and debated out to everyone having their own opinions and what not... but
I always wonder HOW THEY GET those things from movies. There are cliques, but its not like... there are leaders of the school, and losers of the school. There are groups of friends and they get intertwined.
I have 3000 kids in my school, and there are no "lead" people. Less than half have heard of the senior president. Most of the kids have heard of a guy named LaQuan Phillips, but thats because he got a spinal injuryduring a football game at the beginning of this year, and the school paper did a thing about it and they had a thing in an assembly about it.
We have half lockers [not those long lockers I see in the movies. There are top lockers and bottom lockers.
There is not large preppy beautiful girls walking in a straight line, kids getting trash canned [well we did it once, but we did it to a friend of ours, and we wanted to see what the deans would do. They did nothing].
idk... I don't see anything like it in the movies. There is a little bit of gossip, but most of it has been written in the bathroom stalls.
I KNOW! Spontenaity is SO AWESOME, but... when you KNOW about it, but you don't know what it is, you just get nervous or anxious and its not as fun!
Having it just shoved on you leaves you no time to worry and speculate, so you don't get your hopes up or anything. But when they TELL you something is comming, speculation and wondering and deliberating etc.... blah!!!