You could make him an Ipod cake or something else edibal and musical. You could also get a cheapo white shirt [or whatever color really] and make a band tee of some sort.
Its kind of hard to give idea's when we have no clue what this kid likes! lol
Posts by DIS.AR.RAY
I'm assuming you know that because you put it in "these", but it gets me mad when people say that! lol
His name is joe in the book, and in the movie, he is no one. He is "narrator", lol. For those who don't know, he says "I am jack's *insert various things here*" because earlier in the movie, when Tyler was riding around the house on a bike, he was reading something in like Time magazine or something, and it was a few different columns or something that were about various body parts talking in the first person.
Like "I am jacks spleen", "I am jill's nipples", "I am Jack's colon" [to which tyler says "I get cancer. I kill Jack." Which always made me laugh, and then I felt bad... lol]
SORRY! But Chuck P. Is my home boy and that MOVIE is my life, and yea... lol. I watched it twice everyday for two weeks....
A: Well there is an X-rated answer to that, and then there is THIS ONE.
You know the number on the pencil? Well 2 is the most common, but there are all different numbers and weights, etc. They are there, not to define what KIND of pencil it is... but where it will take you! Its like you hear about pushing the right combination of buttons on a soda machine and you get to the menu and get to do a bunch of fun stuff. Same thing. But instead of all the change, or a free soda, IT TAKES YOU to different places. The past, the present, the future, the present as you'd wish it to be, the present as you'd hate it to be, the future with you rich, the future with you famous, the future with your mom ....
anyway. Number two is the most common because the people who KNEW about this magickal thing realized that 2 was the portal to what you most wanted in life. Those who had no clue what they are REALLY used for just saw everyone else using them and figured they are better. Thats why you see a bunch of people with number two who arn't in magickal awesome land.
where I put spaces in some area's, they didn't... put them
so some of it looks fucked up!!!
Oh well.. hopefully you get the ... general impression... WOW that just doesn't look like what I meant it to! lol
he did remove it. I didn't see any bad comment.
What did it say?
wow hmm... Like so many others, I might just use this...
I'm still confused on how to use it though... you said "pop" Roma..
So is it like...
those are your legs and vag-area, lol.
and so the cup is like
and first, and then put it in and Pop it up so its like
and then when you take it out there is a little pully thing
and when you pull it, it pops back normally
---| stuff
and the *stuff* goes in the cup, and you just dump it out?
am I getting this right?
Maybe... idk...
I'm imagining it like those little ... they were rubber toy things and you would push them and put then on a table and they would "pop" back into normal position and bounce really high [but the diva cup I'm guessing doesn't BOUNCE, lol]
awww zoe! That sucks so much!
Yucky pinches nerves. [even just saying it makes me cringe].
welll uhm
COURTNEY I WANT TO SEE THE SHOES [I can't see the pictures]! I can't wait to see what your creativity looks like on shoes!
uhm... I'm pretty proud of my scrapbook/photo-album things.
I have to make 18, which means there will be 36 [because front and back], I'll probably post a how-to. If not, at least a creation. But yea... intensley proud of them.
I know how you feel.
My mother and me are ALREADY poor, and then on top of it, we thought she had breast cancer, so we went to the doctor and had bunches of tests that costs bunches of money, and THEN two days ago, some douche hit her car and now we are renting a car AND fixing our car, etc. etc. etc.
So whatever I want... I just find things to make it out of.
A:You will never find the answer, untill you realize... There is no star.
[5 points to whoever gets the reference ]
[I was going to ask where babies came from, and I thought I was being clever, but then I look up and THERE WAS KK Just intime to steal my awesome, lol]
Q: Why do they put brail on the number pads at Drive Through ATM's?
As she is crossing the bridge, she sees the cutest little cat run across her path. It had something in her mouth. It ran right up to her and dropped it... it was... an onion? No... a transparent ball of ... what was it?
It started to grow... and it got bigger and bigger.
"wtf? Am I cinderella?" she wondered as she stood right in front of, what was once a small ball of who knows what, a carriage made up of ... who knows what.
But somethings different. No mice into horses, no driver, no fairy god mother. What was going on here? She, for some unexplainable reason, got into the carriage.
that one is a little complicated for complete noobs, but I cannot sew to save my life and I'd be able to do that, so there is that one.
Here is another one
and yea... there is an easier way. Just get REALLY HUGE pants and cut up to the crotch.
new challenge
I challenge everyone to uload a picture of themselves drinking 12 oz of water [355 mL] as FAST AS THEY CAN!
Whoever gets the fastest wins [challenges have winners don't they?
I felt in a very bellydancer mood and yea..
Well now that I KNOW I can finally post, I'll be able to do the stupid pictures of the newspaper thing.