Posts by DIS.AR.RAY

    yes, it gets kinda mushy.... but I didn't care. I was afraid of my oven. lol. Happy

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    I'm baking....


    I'm freaking baking... COOKIES NO LESS! and YESTERDAY... I MADE FUNNEL CAKE! [delicious recipe btw].



    If you don't know this... my oven is a storage space. I don't even bake those frozen pizza's... I microwave them!

    I had no clue what "baking powder" was before yesterday. baking soda? no... not that... hm... wtf IS IT?! Something you use in funnel cake....

    FPDC! I KNOW WHAT THAT IS! When I first joined, i saw a how to for a hat, and it had like... 3sc join 1sc in each st, and i was like WHAT THE FUCK!? now I understand it!

    I! desi green... I own all purpose flour, chocolate chips I BOUGHT COOKIE CUTTERS! AND I BOUGHT THOSE WEIRD METAL WHIPPING STIRRING BEATER THINGS!

    I have wire! EVERYWHERE! and wire cutters, and needlenose pliers. Hemp EVERYWHERE! I MADE most of my jewelry. My shoes are amazing and unique and drawn on BECAUSE OF CO+K!

    My house is a mess full of crafty craft things, I have two big dresser things FULL of it. I've got a round loom and a long straight loom... and I KNOW WHAT A LOOM IS! My mom has never-dying DIY flowers in a vase, overflowing.

    and I just wanted to say... Thank you CO+K, and everyone who's posted a creation or how to. I'm happy this is me. Happy Thank you!

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    People are idiots. We are here for a life. If we don't like it, we could move to London [unless you're in london], or America, or Mexico, or France. Thats what these people have done. They've moved somewhere to help themselves and their family, to try and start a life. I honestly see no problem with that.

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    Hey, if the swap isn't closed, I'm COMPLETELY in!!! Ugh! I LOVE zombie!

    I dressed up as a zombie one day at school, and I want to go to this zombie flash mob thing going on pretty soon. Happy

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    What Gypsie said. Happy

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    YAYS! Happy

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    GET WELL!!!

    *positive vibes* *positive vibes*

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    I'm in! Happy

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    oh my gosh! ALL of those are amazing! I feel so pathetic. lol. I just couldn't think of anything really valentine-y.

    But I was proud of the pillow. the stuffing was made from this old couch that we are throwing away [because its falling apart. There arn't any nasty stains or anything, lol. No need to sorry about the stuffing], and its SO SOFT! Before we threw it away, I made one for my mommy cause she loved sug's so much! Happy

    and SUG! I'm sorry i can't post pics, but my computer is REFUSING to allow me to upload picture. Like... I've taken TONS! and I put the memory card in the little slot... and it just... doesn't. It says NO! :

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    New Comments notificiation.

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    I was on the ballet for the senior personality "most unique"

    that made me happy.

    Oh, and I'm making a tutu. Obviously! that makes me happy, lol.

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    GAH! I'm learning to drive in a crappy ass stick shift with no brakes, shot suspension, and no left side view mirror, and the front right side turn signal is broken. Oh, and the clutch decides to sometimes work and sometimes not, so it'll fall out of gear whenever it feels like it.

    OH, ANNNNNND the reverse doesn't work half the time.

    HONESTLY! this shit SUCKS! My mother wont let my drive the streets, even though i handle this piece of crap like an expert, because its difficult to change lanes to the left with no side view mirror. So I just... DON'T get experience because she's cheap.

    its like, what the hell am I supposed to do? Just never learn to drive?

    My take on this, is even though I have to drive that piece of crap... when I get it down pat [which I pretty much have. I haven't stalled the last 5 times I've driven, I'm pretty much not going to], I'll be able to drive almost anything.

    meanwhile, my mother's take on this is "even though you drive wonderfully, I think I won't let you get more hours because that would just take too much sense".

    gah. IDK, Its not exactley her fault... but its just annoying as hell. When you KNOW you can do something, and its just legalities that keep you from it, and to go THROUGH the legallities you have to do a certain thing, which you are willing to do, but someone is keeping you from it because they don't think you can do what you KNOW you can do.

    .... ... yea, I know its such a COMMON situation Happy But honestly... its just frustrating. I have to get a job, but everywhere close has a hiring freeze, and in order to get a job farther away, i need my license. I need a job to pay for my insurance, and for my independant study classes, etc. etc. etc.

    I just have way to much to do to NOT have a license. its... frustrating.

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    OMG, THAT LOOKS AMAZING! You'r hair is incredibly ... incredible!

    its SO cool! I've got a sudden urge to dye my hair again Happy

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    well, as it says on my page, I have and always will live by "Be who youa re and say what you feel, because those who mind, don't matter, and those who matter, don't mind."

    I also like Emerson's "When its darkest, man see's the stars", and I love that. Whenever I'm feeling down about something, or something terrible's happened, I think of this quote and it makes me appreciate all the wonderfull things in my life. If you never experience pain, how can you truely appreciate happiness?

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    HOLY JESUS JESSICA... THOSE WILL BE FUCKING AWESOME. I hope you don't mind that I'm jacking your idea, but crocheting instead of knitting.

    thats amazing

    *hail's jessica G.*


    hmmm... but I'm trying to make some posters.

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