DUDE! HELL YES! Koffin Kats are probably my favorite, then zombie ghost town, then calabrese, etc. etc. etc.
Psychobilly and rockabilly are both awesome.
There is this thing called VIVA where I live [las vegas], and its a rockabilly convention thing with tons of cars and pin ups and there are a bunch of psychobilly kids there too. Its badass.
Posts by DIS.AR.RAY
Yea, I completely understand that.
I don't know her personally so I can't say I dislike her. I definatley dislike her singing, but c'mon
If you sucked at pretty much everything, but had a chance to make money off of it, wouldn't you? I know I would. I'm in a horrid financial situation and I would do anything [as long as its legal and/or moral] to get money for my mother and our family.
She was just smart enough to make money doing something thats fun.
Now I DO NOT like her, but I'm not going to rag on her because she's in the limelight and sucks, she's just going with the flow.
Now if she's done horrible things like kick babies, or something, then I'd rag on her.
But I suppose influencing the newest generation to act like her is... not a great thing. I don't know. I think she is young and stupid, as most of us were.
I knew the name amanda Palmer, but I didn't know she was from the Dresden Dolls. I love them! They are so... just interesting. I'd LOVED to have meet one of its members.
HAHA! THATS SO COOL! I've only ever got to push the barracade once, but it was so fun. I love it! It was at the X concert, and I ALMOST got the set list, but some whore jumped the barrier and got it before me! My friend aleasha got the drum stick from the opening band
Anybody been to any good concerts lately?
I went to the Stephen and Damien Marley concert, a reggea festival with a couple bands, and the X concert.
There are a few more bands comming out here soon, so hopefully I'll go
yea, I seroiusly doub tANYBODY has the same music taste as me. lol. But I like some of bullet's older stuff, long before "emo" became a big thing, and they started catering to their tastes. I'd still love to go see them!
Its a canadian punk/ska/rock band and they play THE DIDJERIDU!!! AMAZING!
I've just found them, and I was wondering if anyone else had heard of them, what they think of them, some good songs of theirs, or what other bands have a similar sound.
I love random obscure instruments. The accordian isn't quite "obscure" but its definatley not a normal thing to play.
i REALLY want to learn how to play the digerydoo! [can't spell]. Its just so AMAZING!
"Can't get it out of my head" from ELO [electric light orchestra.. NOT an orchestra btw, lol] AND ITS SO ANNOYING, not because I can't get it out of my head
but because when someone asks "what song" I say "can't get it out of my head" and they say "yea, I know, but whats the song name" "CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD" and then so on and so forth
its quite annoying
but a good song, btw. If you are eclectic at least.
holy crap! that is amazing
My fender is a normal 6 string guitar, not a bass, but I do want one [but the drums are my real love].
It sucks you have to sell such a beauty to aquire another one, but thats life I suppose. Good Luck
oh that is SO gorgeous! I WANT it! I've just got a normal fender start, its ok, but not AWESOME.
oh that is SO gorgeous! I WANT it! I've just got a normal fender start, its ok, but not AWESOME.
Yea, thats me.
When my friends first met me, NO ONE knew that I loved to dance. they thought I was either purely [depending on what I was wearing, of course, lol] a metalhead, or a hippie. But I LOVE raving and dancing and just going crazy.
How were your raves? I've never been to a massive, but I want to. Nor have I been to one in the UK [partly because I've never been there, lol], but I'm guessing they are pretty much the same as the yank raves.
are there any ravers out there? Not just hardcore, but if you've been to a couple and like it?