Well, little known fact, balls actually are rock bits that came from the planet Cuto Utan D. keep. The gravitational force there works BACKWARDS [which is why they flew from the planet]. Whenever they get to closed to the ground, the gravitational force [going backwards] repells them. They do not leave the earths surface because their backwards G.F. isn't as strong as our normal G.F.
If you look JUST CLOSE ENOUGH, you can see that the balls don't even touch the floor.
Why do water bottles have nutritional facts on the bottle?
Posts by DIS.AR.RAY
So I've been trying to log on for DAYS now, and yesterday I finally log on, and I'm getting ready to post some stuff on the board... AND IT KICKS ME OFF!
and HOPEFULLY when I push "save" right now, It won't to the same thing!
Cat man, seriously, you have so much work to do with JUST this website!
Anyone who isn't stupid realizes that its IMPOSSIBLE to never make a mistake. The LEADER OF ONE OF THE GREATEST WORLD POWERS makes more mistakes than you. The new york times has a "corrections section" for god's sake, and they are one of the leading newspapers in the country [if not the world!].
And they all have hundreds of people checking and proofreading EVERYTHING THEY DO like 23923048 times.
I'm suprised that you make so LITTLE mistakes. I know I've probably made more in this post than you have in that entire snipits issue! Honestly. You are amazing, and people are stupid!
She has to be sure she's packed everything she's needed. But she isn't quite sure what to pack. So she just goes about packing everything she think's she'll need.
Is she living there? How long is she staying? How far away is it? Could she commute? So many questions raging in her head.
I can understand why others would use it
but I just... I don't know. It seems EXTREMELY uncomfertable and just... not coo man, lol. IDK... not for me.
I think sexism is a part of it. I think it all is. I think sexism itself has made many woman feel that "jumping around in the mud" is unacceptable and unfeminine and men wouldn't want them if they were like that, because thats what we've been taught.
I know a lot of girls are really just like that, just like lots of men really don't like being dirty or guns or violence.
I just think everything is intertwined and it all has an impact.
I'm glad we're at the point where a woman CAN become a 4 star general.... I just wish we were at the point where it didn't matter if a woman was a 4 star general, noone even noticed she was a woman. I'm just waiting for that time.
ACK! SORRY. I forgot I didn't upload the pics and I got lost in my reading [it was breaking dawn, so you can't blame me that much! lol]
YOU'D NEVER HEARD OF CHEVELLE?! crazy! They were like... my love in 8th grade.
And yea, I've heard about it. But most of my friends are EXTREMELY musical, the same as me, so when we share our music knowledge and the bands we like, there arn't many bands NONE of us know about, lol. Thats why I love them so much [and partially because of all that stupid "they're amazing" crap that no one cares about, lol]
oh wow... I had no clue. I've spent my entire weekend reading myself into social oblivion! :
Oh jeez, I have LOTS of family and friends up there... wow.
i could NOT find that mama zoe : Jeez it hates me
ALRIGHT, I did the challenge. I just have to upload the pictures.
"haha" says Mr. Mint, "well, not as far as I know. Only those from the sugarcane falls are made of sugar"
I LOVE books! And I HATE when people say that too. There is some real cinimatic genius out there
Fight Club. The writer of the book [chuck p.] said he actually liked the ending to the movie better than the ending he wrote.
Its happens sometimes.
But for the most part... books are just better. They let you espace into a world, and its fun, and it helps people NOT be idiots.
My craft room in the world.
I've been trying to think.. and wherever I am, I'm crafting. I go to school and during lessons I am knotting some hemp jewelry, or hooking some shrooms to bracelets and necklaces. I'm always drawing and thinking of new crafts. I go to the park and use the dead branches to make peace signs, I just... I craft where my heart takes me
Its kinda hard to take a few pictures of the world thought