Posts by DIS.AR.RAY



    I can do that and it freaks people the hell out
    Its really funny Happy

    I love it

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    cats are made from the meatload leftovers that harden in your fridge.

    Sadly, sometimes people still eat the now-catificating meatload and thats why it seems to "move".... because it is moving. Its a cat...

    Q: Why are button so amazing?

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    DAMNIT! lol.

    alright hmm...


    .htrae eht morf hsirep ton llahs ,elpoep eht rof ,elpoep eht yb ,elpoep eht fo tnemnrevog taht dna-modeerf fo htrib wen a evah llahs ,doG rednu ,noitan siht taht-naiv ni deid evah ton llahs daed eseht taht evloser ylhgih ereh ew taht-noitovet fo erusaem lluf tsal eht evag yeht hcihw rof esuac taht ot noitoved desaercni ekat ew daed deronoh eseht morf taht-su erofeb gniniamer ksat taerg eht ot detacided ereh eb ot su rof rehtar is tI .decnavda ylbon os raf suht evah ereh thguof ohw yeht hcihw krow dehsinifnu eht ot ereh detacided eb ot ,rehtar ,gnivil eht su rof si tI . ereh did yhet tahw tegor reven nac ti tub ,ereh yas ew tahw rebmemer gnol ron ,eton elttil lliw dlrow ehT .tcarted ro dda ot rweop roop ruo eboba raf ,ti detarcesnoc evah ,ereh delggurts ohw ,daed dna gnivil ,nem evarb ehT .dnuorg siht-wollah ton nac ew-etarcesnoc ton nac ew-etacided ton nac ew ,esnes regral a ni ,tuB

    siht od dlouhs ew taht reporp dna gnittif rehtegotla si tI .evil thgim noitan taht taht sevil rieht evag ereh ohw esoht rof ecalp gnitser lanif a sa ,fdleif taht fo noitrop a etacided ot emoc evah eW .raw taht of dleif-elttab taerg a no tem era eW .erudne gnol nac ,detacided os ,noitan yna ro ,noitan taht rehtehw gnitset ,raw livic taerg a ni degagne era ew woN

    lauqe detaerc era nem lla taht noitisoporp eht ot detacided dna ,ytrebiL ni deviecnoc ,noitan wen a tnenitnoc siht no htrof thguorb srehtaf ruo oga sraey neves dna erocs ruoF



    what now?!

    Desi 4 teh win.


    that took like 20 minutes man!


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    Words would do her no good at the moment. She was completely... asounded, flabbergasted, petrified, excited, terrified, anxious, stunned, apprehensive, eneasy, eager, yearning, hopeful, anticipating, all within the snap of 1.3 seconds.

    Even if she could speak, she would have no clue what to say.

    Thank you? Who are you? WHAT are you?Where am I going? What do you want with me? How did that happen? What is this stuff? About a thousand other questions came to mind. None she would be able to utter, and it felt like she may never be able to again.

    Untill, without even realizing it, she started speaking, "...

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    I NEED A SCREAM ROOM! A completely soundproof room with padded walls and ceillings and floors and with a lotof breakable ripable tearable killable things! I can't actually scream but I really want to (mom's slightly asleep...)

    so yea.. Getting rich JUST TO GET a scream room.

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    awww it made me sad because I'm my manager's daughter and my manager's cousin :[ BUT I DON'T FUCK ANYTHING UP! Well... except once, because I didn't realize we had "assigned registers" and someone taught me how to use the registers, and I just kept using the one they taught me on. Anyway, I had to price check something, but I did it on the OTHER register, and there was a HUGE line in the normal register, and people figured I was there to check them out. So instead of being a huge bother to them and telling them to get back into the normal line, I just started ringing them up... And I got in trouble, because There was "assigned computers" and what not.. and yea.... But my mom doesn't work in my store, she works in the sister store across the walkway. But I do understand the people fucking up the displays. Even when I was a noobie [I've worked there enough to know the ins and outs and though I don't work there CONSECUTIVLEY and come in for a few weeks every few months, I still know my shiznit] I noticed the other new girl who actually HAD training [I didn't... even LONGER story] was fucking up the displays and putting the girls stuff on the guys side WHICH IS SO STUPID. Its obviously boys on the left, girls on the right, its... not a subtle different. Its like... ok... pink frilly sweaters with flowers and hearters and a little bow? sorry, but no 7 year old is that secure with his masculinity, no matter how advanced. but yea... I understand your frustration, while I'm one the side you hate. lol.

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    Definately pin up hot


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    I'm trying to get elected "most unique" at school.

    Not a lot of people know me though because I'm a theatre/art/music kid, not the sports/cheerleading/school officer kid.

    But a lot of people do know me as "tutu girl" or "bowling shoes chick" or "that one random girl with the dressing up and stuff", but they don't know my name :


    And I've got HUGE competition. A girl named saturn reyes. She is skinny and pretty and has really amazing clothes. She is pretty unique as well.

    I don't think I'm unique, but other people do so I figured that was the easiest thing for me to win.

    Happy I'm just glad a FEW people put me down as their candidate Happy

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    its almost impossible to make a [good looking] pair of jeans that were once TO SMALL.

    Its WAY EASIER to just buy a size that is to big, or fits in the waist and then alter it so the butt and thighs fit.

    I know that doesn't help you know, but just so you know for later.

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    lol okay...


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    like... typing it out?

    I can write a paragraph backwards easily on paper [7th grade was an experimental time Happy] but on here... that'd be a little harder.

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    well right off the bat, you are amazing. You don't deserve any of this stress and you are incredible and cute and funny and random. You have no SUSTANTIAL reason to feel worthless or unattractive or ugly. Your laptop... well, hopefully life will end up working out and you won't even remember having a problem with it. Life tends to do that. Here's hoping Happy Well at least now you can do tons of other stuff you couldn't before Happy You get to, as KT said, drive and sew, and even ... do other stuff Happy and jeez.... You just can't seem to catch a break... EAT NONSTOP FROSTIES Happy That should keep you happy [it sure kept me happy Happy lol] I really am sorry though. You are one of the most UNWORTHY people for this kind of stress. :[ You'll win your case though. You have to. It was their damn fault! and I don't know much about your husband. I do know that when someone see's a couple in love, they lash out against them. I had someone [I'm comparing these two circumstances ONLY FOR FACE VALUE, lol. I don't equate our situations, yours is obviously much more heavy] message both me and my boyfriend [I only got the message a few days AFTER this happened] in our truth-boxes. Each said the same thing, but flipped around. To him, it said "I helped your girlfriend cheat on you and I know she feels icnredibly sorry but I'm not" and a bunch of other stuff that wasn't specific at all. We broke up because of it. Then I checked MY TRUTH BOX and found the same message. I guess I'm just saying... its probably not true. Don't be hasty or crazy or accusatory, but you should still investigate as you already have. Just... don't say anything you will regret later. It WILL get better. I promis it will. I believe that when people overcome incredibly harsh situations, they get the reverse in return for suffering through it. I know you will be happy again, and I'm hoping soon. GET BETTER! DESI SAYS SO! I COMMAND YOU AND YOU MUST OBEY!!!

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    that is stupid as fuck.

    I can be extremely sympathetic when it comes to woman's insecurities and their bad feelings... but this is just STUPID! And it kind of makes me angry.

    I really just want to go up to them and smack them in the face.

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    is it?

    Oh, well I haven't read the whole book yet, and my teacher said his name was Joe. So he is stupid as well. :

    I don't know why, that is just such a pet peeve of mine... its really weird

    and Yea, I figured you knew, but for thsoe who DIDN'T! [tsk tsk to you! lol] I ranted to them Happy

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