Posts by Bryony

    The again girls my husband is a full thirteen years older than me (I am 24 and he is 37) and he is the most wonderful husband I could have asked for. He loves me, is faithful and would no more abuse me than he would piss on the floor. Not all older men are out to get you but a reasonable amount of caution is a good thing.

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    Eee Sheila tha'll be givin us a bad name next! This'll butter no parsnips. x

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    What did you think sweetie? xx

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    Merry Christmas you lot! xx

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    I have self defense classes to deal with that sort of problem.

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    I think you could adapt this one couldn't you?xx

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    That sounds great! I love WGW, it's so much fun x

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    I can't wait for Christmas, it's our first one just us and the cat so it's very special. We're going to be buying cheap baubles then decorating them ourselves and making our own crackers. I am also making *fanfare* OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS CAKE! My fruit has been thoroughly drenched for over a week so we won't be driving after *winks*

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    Maybe we should all go together one year? x

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    It is isn't it? Although Clyde does occasionally annoy me. x

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    It's okay Sheila, Tom Baker is my Doctor. Did anyone see Torchwood: Children of Earth? xx

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    Damn it Sheila you were at the Goth weekend weren't you? xx

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    Hair is a secondary sexual characteristic so a lot of guys will prefer it. However the haircut that makes you happy is the one for you. x

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