Posts by Knittin' Kitten

    Well, today is rubbish, but this weekend was so good =) on Friday I got drunk at 11 in the SU with all my friends to celebrate the last day of term, then went to Middlesbrough. Spent the evening in with Andy and his family, which was lovely. On Saturday we went into town, looked round some shops and then went to Walkabout for some food and to see Where The Wild Things Are, which was SO GOOD! And then went home spent the evening in together and watched District 9. It was snowing and beautiful and he was so excited, running round in the snow like a kid =) lovely.

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    Haha presents you make yourself don't count!
    So far I've got some wire and bead jewellery my friend made me, some of those fingerless gloves that turn into mittens (they're bright pink and blue and glittery black!), some vegetarian marshmallow, a bottle of Jack, some soaps from Lush, a pad and pen with my name on and this awesome Batman bracelet which is brown with a big blue stone =)

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    I don't like spending Christmas with my family. I don't get on with my dad, I don't really have anything to say to the rest of them. My aunt criticises me the whole time and makes me cook my own food cause she refuses to cook for a vegetarian. I just hate it, I'd love if I could spend Christmas with someone else, but I'm 18 so not allowed yet. Having said that, my brother's 26 and isn't allowed.

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    I know it's not actually Christmas yet, but most people get stuff before-hand, so what have you got so far? We can keep this running till after the actual Christmas =)

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    Paranormal Activity and LOVED it, scared me but in a good way =)

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    What I use is Dylon fabric paint, it comes in little pots and is quite runny so just like a normal paint, doesn't puff or anything. I'd advise that over spraying, and it'll stay well (I messed up a tshirt for my brother so put it in the wash to get the paint on as I hadn't fixed it yet, and the bugger didn't come off!)

    I made my friend Stevie a Bjork tshirt with the Debut cover on it, he was SO excited! Was like running round the room and showing it to everyone haha, and insisting I couldn't have made it. Made me happy! And I gave my friend a Big Bang tshirt (her favourite band) and she loved it apparently, she only opened it when I wasn't there. Giving Andy his presents tomorrow, hope he likes them!

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    Aaw, I want a spunky 97 year old grandmother!

    I got my essay done and apparently the creative bit is pretty good =)

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    It's snowing! And I'm not too behind on my work, which is good. And I don't have cancer (was worried I did but was nothing.) And I've been getting presents!

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    Ooh, sneaky!

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    I have very bright pink hair! It was meant to be like a dark pink but it's gone kinda fuschia. Which is interesting. I'm still not sure it suits me, but oh well.

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    My back is really hurting from stress. Looks like we won't be able to get the house we wanted for next year which means we have to carry on house-hunting after Christmas. I've only written a quarter of my essay which is due in Friday. Today I have to go bake cookies, go round Andy's, go to town, make a Christmas present and then do at least another quarter of my work, although then I only have tomorrow to do the other half of it, as well as pack for the weekend and going back to Bristol, a seminar, and trying to see people to give them Christmas presents. Seriously, I'm in so much pain right now, last night I could barely breathe it hurt so much =( and it's not even like I get a nice relaxing holiday as I have two essays to write..

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    Yeah I don't have the money for the stuff I really want to wear, and at the moment it's way too cold - my favourite kind of thing is a nice flowery dress with Doc Martens and probably ripped tights (not intentional, I just always rip my tights and can't afford new ones), and then like a cardigan and biker jacket if I need covering up. At the moment though it's too cold, I'm just wearing jeans, boots, plain top, jumper and biker jacket. Sucks, I feel so boring! I think that's why I go crazy with my hair in winter (last winter I bleached it from black to blonde, this winter I've been both pink and blue)

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    Yeah I had problems with my latest project - it would let me add a few things, then when I searched them it'd come up with the list and ask me about how many I needed and stuff but wouldn't appear in the box itself. And when I refreshed the page, it wouldn't even let me go beyond "search"

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    Haha I found if you get someone of a similar size to help it's good =) like I needed a tshirt for Stevie so I got Andy to try it on and see if it's too big. Unfortunately it was, gonna have to fork out some more money now for one that fits better =(

    I've made Andy a Middlesbrough cushion and bought Homicide - A Year On The Killing Streets because he likes the wire. That with the Opeth necklace and Jack Daniels poker set should go down fairly well =)

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    I'm hopefully getting my ankle done next...I expect it to hurt!

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