Posts by Shivi

    A: Despite rumours that it is made through the dairy process cheese in fact is a secret recipe, one which I know due to family acquaintances(brother's friend's girlfriend's neighbour's stepfather's dog's vet's cousin). The ingredients include: a dash of lemon juice, banana skins, sun rays, sunflower petals and one final ingredient.

    Q: what's the final ingredient to cheese?

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    I nominate Cat! The barbie is super adorbable and fits perfectly wth her name.

    My profile pic is kinda non-existant as I can't upload an avatar image yet but Crafterella is in the midst of waving her magic crafting wand to fix it!

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    I like "the little bakery" but perhaps it would sound better if it was called "little bakery". But you have to make sure that it sticks to its name, you can't really expand too much if you call your shop "little bakery". Something general is always good that doesn't constrict you, so it may not be good to call your shop a foreign name as then it looks a little odd if you sell treats from all different countries. Either way, as cliche as it may sound, follow your heart! (but I'm sure you didn't need me to tell you that!)

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    ok thanks, there's no rush Happy

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    I found a web councilling site today and I had a lovely councillor called Grace who I got to talk to. She made me feel really good about myself. i can't wait to talk to her again! =D

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    awww, that's a shame it would be interesting to know who wrote it. I'm going out now but later on i'll read the rest!!!

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    ooh, I know exactly what I'm going to make you tara and it won't use too many materials either(my mum chucks a spaz when I spend heaps on swap supplies!). I'll give you one hint, I'll be using something organic in it so it'll be enviro-friendly and good for the baby too. =D

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    I'm considering taking part too, just need to look at time constraints but hopefully I make make something for you, tara and your soon-to-be bub!

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    I read about half of it so far, did u write it or did you get iy from somewhere, either way it's pretty good!

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    ooh, I'd be interested in doing the alice in wonderland. I've already got plenty of ideas swirling around in my head!!

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    wow, lucky you michele! *shivi starts to get a little jealous* Tongue

    Thanks for the tip on when to see them!

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    *bump* (just so someone sees this thread)

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    I know, it's so amazing! I keep thinking of the part in the Movie, THe POlar EXpress when all the clidren are on the train singing and they see the northern lights. If I ever write a To Do Before I Die, list that is sooo going on it!

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    I'm going to write up a blog entry soon, explaining my abscense and showing you a couple of pictures and such. Need to find my camera though........*rummages through bedroom*

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    wow, that suits you, normally I don't really like piercings but that looks really good!

    I love your hair too btw!! =)

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