Posts by Shivi

    Currently loving Sug's latest pic, the 2 girls which i assume are her own look so cute! Happy

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    A: Despite rumours that it is made through the dairy process cheese in fact is a secret recipe, one which I know due to family acquaintances(brother's friend's girlfriend's neighbour's stepfather's dog's vet's cousin). The ingredients include: a dash of lemon juice, banana skins, sun rays, sunflower petals and one final ingredient.

    Q: what's the final ingredient to cheese?

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    I nominate Cat! The barbie is super adorbable and fits perfectly wth her name.

    My profile pic is kinda non-existant as I can't upload an avatar image yet but Crafterella is in the midst of waving her magic crafting wand to fix it!

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    wow, you guys seem to be having a lot of fun! (just been reading AND watching all the posts)
    awesome outift Dis!
    Wouldn't it be cool if there was some sort of counter on your profile saying how many challenges you had done? Then at least that would be some sort of reward/incentive for doing them. hmmmm, I might just put this idea on the wishlist!

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    She stroked the inside wall of the carriage, very gently. It was very soft, maybe cotton wool, no, not that. "Aaah! It must be candy floss." The cat jumped in next to Lolly but it slowly started morphing into a....

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    This APPARENTLY meant to quite easy to make and you could have a billion different colour combos:

    okie dokies, find lil ol' me................... 2x crafts involving rupert bear (I'm making it 2x so it's a little more difficult Tongue)

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