Posts by Shivi

    aww, I wanna go! The only crafty event they have here is this annual craft and quilt fair which I missed out on going to this year : (

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    I saw one recently in a crochet book. Go have a look in your locak library or bookstore

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    I really want to learn how to knit- I've knitted very simple scarfs before but that was years ago so I've long forgotten, I'll see if I can borrow a book on knitting from the library.

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    Thanks guys I'll check em' out!

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    Does anyone know any good sites on knitting and crocheting for beginners?

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    I've done a little bit of sewing when we did it in primary school a couple years back but I've forgotten now. We made scarfs and mine had a lot of holes in it and seemed to keep on getting wider and mum got mad because i just kept going refusing to fix the mistakes- not so good memories! In the school holidays I might relearn how to knit and start to learn how to crochet. One question for everyone though- what's the difference beteween the two?

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