Posts by Shivi

    I love Christmas but the only thing I don't like is that my mum gets really busy around that time so she is all stressed and we usually end up having fights, last year we had such a bad falling out that it was the first Christmas ever I didn't spend it at her house(stayed at my dad's who is a christmas scrooge but I convinced him to put up a tree Tongue).

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    what's the hormone shot?????

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    poor you tara! Yeah i noticed everyone avatars got set back to their old ones, mine still isn't working at all!

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    queenie: nope, my mum got hers like when she was 12, that's also why I'm worried......eeek!

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    Indeed you put your rant in the right place-the issues and rants board!!! Happy

    I know exactly what you mean, my mum always goes on about how it's costing too much, I'm the one forking out for it all not her, so what the problem?!? If I didn't have enough for it I wouldn't be buying the stuff!

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    I can't give you any answers sug, as i don't have my period yet. Most people would think it's lucky but I'm just afraid i won't ever get it! I'm 15, turning 16 this year so if I don't get it by the time i turn 16 I'll have to see the doctor. D:

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    I can't give you any answers sug, as i don't have my period yet. Most people would think it's lucky but I'm just afraid i won't ever get it! I'm 15, turning 16 this year so if I don't get it by the time i turn 16 I'll have to see the doctor. D:

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    haha, well if you think so! Tongue

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    I can't upload my profile pic, it's driving me crazy, I know Tom, Cat and Crafterella are working on it though, I just hate looking at that little grey man, lol!

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    That was fun!

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    huh! guys are so weird : S
    oh well, just take it as a compliment! Happy Sorry I can't give you any advice on letting them down nicely-not much experience with relationships Tongue

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    woah, that's harsh, hope you and your friend both feel better eventually. That's all so sad....

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    but just think about how much gender roles have changed from 100-150 years ago, woman are getting treated a lot better than they used to so in another 100 years things may be even better! we can't lose hope yet! =D

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    that makes sense what Roma said because then it would be equal. That's one of the points she was trying to get across-equality among men and women.

    P.S. Whoops! I was meant to be finished with this board but I couldn't help it! Tongue

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