Posts by Shivi

    aah so you call them 'felt pens'. I've heard of that but no-one here would say that

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    here's a 'texta'

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    maybe you call them 'colouring pens' like on this packet

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    No not gel pens, they're thinner and not too good for colouring. The ones I mean are thicker, unless your definiton of gel pen is different from mine! I'll see if I can get a picture.

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    that does sound fun! loti

    I can't really think of another name for a texta, you must call it something different. Basically, pens that you colour in with.

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    okay, another of my year 1 stealing escapades:
    Our classroom at school was inside a building so you couldn't see it from the outside, meaning unless you were at the door of the classroom you couldn't see in(I think there was some windows but they had thin curtains closed over them). To get to the classroom you had to walk past the staffroom so when I went into the class to steal one time I had to crawl past this wall so that the teachers couldn't see me walking into class. Once I got into the class I took this girl's set of like 60 textas that she was showing everyone. I wanted them so bad. All I had to do was put them in my bag. When I went home that day I started colouring with them and my parents saw me and asked where I got them from. I said my friend gave them to me as she didn't want them anymore. My parents said I should give them back so the next day at recess I crawled past the staffroom and snuck them back into the classroom. The girl and the teachers couldn't figure out what had gone on!

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    wow, what a good friend, that girl sounds like a real gem! : )

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    I myself went on a little stealing spree when I was 6.

    The first time I remember walking into the local supermarket, Dewsons and saw these really cool Wiggles bandaids and wanted them so badly. I had to have them so when no-one was looking I put them under my shirt and crossed my arms the whole way home, I'm surprised no-one noticed. I was really excited about them when I got home but then I realised I'd ahve to hide them from mum and I felt really guilty and tipped the bandaids down the side of my dressing table. Then one morning while I was eating my Weetbix I was feeling super guilty about the whole thing and just burst out crying, the tears flowing into my cereal. My mum asked what was wrong and I told her I'd stolen the bandaids. She didn't seem too upset so that was good.

    I'll tell you my other stealing stories later. ha!

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    ignoring is the best way, they eventually get bored- it's happened to one of my friends and after a while they just forgot about her. So just completely and utterly ignore, don't even look at them. Eventually they'll find someone else to pick on- which is sad but that's just the way the world works...

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    I like the activity of posting as it isn't too busy and most people who use the board post often anyway. Telling people to be more active on the board is like saying to someone that they have to talk more, for no actual reason. That's my opinion anyway.

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    Oooh-Wiccan sounds interesting! I'll research it!

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    Grrr! The latest thing now is to have frangipani seat covers and sun shades(you know the things you stick on the front window(from the inside) of your car to stop the sun coming in when you park).

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    Write "fuck you" on his front lawn (if you can find out where he lives) in bi-carb soda. It'll burn the grass ,leaving it there for ages!!! Even better if he's still living with his parents!

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    cool- it sounds so sophisticated!

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    Yeah I hate the amount of home work they give us (I'm in like all of K@ti's classes)
    It's coz the teachers don't talk to one another so when the english teacher gives us an essay to do she doesn't realise we've just been given 4 other assignments in that week.
    I told myself I'd do a whole bunch today but haven't done a single bit-I'm obsessed with CO & K
    why can't we have a class on that?!

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    It really pisses me off, I've told mum about it but she just kinda ignores me

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