Posts by Shivi

    wow, that is a really good idea, and if you post each craft on CO&K it'll be really easy to monitor how many things you've made! I am sooo going to do that!

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    I got a box of bento supplies in the mail! Can't wait to use them for when I start back at school again!

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    On my profile page I have all these random comments which are definately not directed at me, one was asking for a tutorial on my rocketship pencil case!?! Of the ones that were there originally they seem to be in a random order. And each time I refresh I get a load of different comments. Can you fix it Crafterella??? Happy

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    yeah the random button is awesome!!!! =D
    Now, all those amazing old projects can be rediscovered once again, thanks Cat & Tom!!!

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    indeed I did, nice to see you again queenie!!! haha

    Hopefully I can share some pics of the olympic stadium and the great wall of china. Happy

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    oooh, angeliiii- I'd love to learn a bit of french!
    Unfortunately I can't speak any other languages than English. i do know the tiniest bit of mandarin from my trip to China but I guess that doesn't really count. Anita I could help you with your english if you want.

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    well, after a couple months abscense I have finall re-emerged from my rock and am back to visit CO&K, boy have I missed it! Well, hopefuly I can upload a couple projects and update my profilepage and make a new blog post. ^__^

    Cool lizard Michelle! Happy

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    it's still not working Happy
    now, the page comes up with "internet explorer cannot display the webpage" and then when I press refresh, it goes back to the CO&K site and says "Sorry- not found"

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    I tried uploading a photo to use as my avatar and it says that it's the current avatar in use, yet it just shows the default pic of the grey little man. I don't wanna be a grey little man! Help!

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    wow, you guys seem to be having a lot of fun! (just been reading AND watching all the posts)
    awesome outift Dis!
    Wouldn't it be cool if there was some sort of counter on your profile saying how many challenges you had done? Then at least that would be some sort of reward/incentive for doing them. hmmmm, I might just put this idea on the wishlist!

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    She stroked the inside wall of the carriage, very gently. It was very soft, maybe cotton wool, no, not that. "Aaah! It must be candy floss." The cat jumped in next to Lolly but it slowly started morphing into a....

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    This APPARENTLY meant to quite easy to make and you could have a billion different colour combos:

    okie dokies, find lil ol' me................... 2x crafts involving rupert bear (I'm making it 2x so it's a little more difficult Tongue)

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    my gosh, I haven't been on CO&K in ages! I've only just gotten up to date on the projects and blogs. I see we have lots of new members and tons of awesome projects and there been 2 new boards added-"Home Sweet Home" and "Craft Challenges" which I'm off to check out right now.....

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    I'm having the same problem as Yeesha---"The "Versions" are messed up. when i click that ab on the main projects page it is fine, but then if i try to see the next page of them it won't let me. It takes me back to the "all" tab. So i can only view the recent posts."

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