Posts by Shivi

    well, maybe I'll still get it, if it got lost in the mail or something. :*(

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    Well I hope you think that you're making the right choice, good luck and I hope you feel better.
    *big hug*

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    My 2 cents: pin-up girls are just chubby porn-stars! lol

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    Warum nicht Sie mir Nachricht, damit wir chatten können privat?
    Ich wohne in Australien, noch nie in Deutschland. Ich würde gerne wissen, wie es ist, wenn es.

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    what Roma said was completely justified and she said it in the nicest way possible and Corrie that whole sexist comment doesn't really make sense or apply to this situation and don't 'speak' for the rest of us because I do not agree with what you say,just give your own opinion.

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    Armen Sie! Sie hoffen, um besser zu werden. Sie chatten können mir jeder Zeit!
    Hoffen, dass dies sinnvoll ist, ich bin nicht wirklich Deutsch

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    I honestly didn't really know about these pin up girls, until I read this post but I've seen a couple of pictures in snippets. I don't really like the look of them, some of them look a bit slutty to me. But well, if you like them, then good for you and if you don't then that's okay too!

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    The latest issue of snippets is out! woooooooo!!!

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    I too was reluctant to read them but K@ti gave me a copy of hers and I fell in love! So far I've only read the first one, I'm a slow reader and have a lot of other books I want to read so it'll probably take me a while to get to the other books in the series. I really hate the actor they chose for Edward, he looks nothing like how I imagined him,I'm very pissed about that....

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    no, not yet Happy

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    actually count me out, not really ready to do a big miscellaneous project at the moment

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    Sug, your poem is so sweet, I could never come up with something like that!

    and the ketchup one is hilarious!

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    yeah, tutorials on exposure and the like would be good. Maybe you could have one on what to look out for when buying a camera,

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    that's a great idea! Could the gift be anything? or could it just be a small christmas themed item like a decoration for the christmas tree? Personally, I'd prefer if it was christmas themed itmes. Just an idea...

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    I'd just like to know what sort of camera to get and how to use some of the functions on these fancy cameras

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