Posts by Shivi

    the peeps at!

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    ooh, those are really good! I like the lighthouse!

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    but there haven't been that many contests so it wouldn't be too useful at the moment but it's definately something to think about in the future

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    yeah that's a good idea, on most other sites you can't change your screen name so the same should apply here

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    Yeesha and cocorific why don't you guys be penpals?

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    okay, I'm not sure but can anyone else instantly block off their sense of smell without touching their nose or anything? I can but I'm not sure if other people can. Maybe I'm just going mad.

    My friends say I poke my tongue out funny(look at avatar). I don't think there's anything really wrong with it but they reckon there is and that I have to have it flat sooo(being the retard I am) I've been practising poking my tongue out flat. loti

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    huh! guys are so weird : S
    oh well, just take it as a compliment! Happy Sorry I can't give you any advice on letting them down nicely-not much experience with relationships Tongue

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    I've written your letter KK, I'll be posting it as soon as I get a stamp

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    yeah so why do you have 6 weeks in bed? anyways, hope you get better

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    woah, that's harsh, hope you and your friend both feel better eventually. That's all so sad....

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    haha! loti
    thanks for the pic, I'll use it to draw my sea monster

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    I got it-yay!!!!! The envelope was adorable! I'll be sending my reply soon!

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    I don't like either of them and how would you even stand in the 1st ones?!

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    but just think about how much gender roles have changed from 100-150 years ago, woman are getting treated a lot better than they used to so in another 100 years things may be even better! we can't lose hope yet! =D

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    Western Australia Tongue

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