Posts by Mama Zoe

    shop thrift stores ;)
    ...just cuz it MIGHT have been worn a few times doesn't mean it's garbage or gross! wash it, and you're good to go... and let's face it... your wardrobe will be way more unique if you don't shop "the latest look" every season at the GAP. lol. And you can often find brand names and designer stuff for like... really really cheap!

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    teach your kids to turn off the lights when they leave a room, to turn off the tv, not to let the water run, or waste paper, to scrape their OWN leftovers into the Green Bin (our city/province? has a compost program called the Green Bin, and they pick it up with the recycling every week!), and teach them to recycle, and why. our kids are our future... and what we teach them now, even if it's not what we did as a kid, we want them to understand and to work for a better future for our grandchildren. Happy

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    lol tara I had a friend back in high school who used to eat nacho cheese doritos dipped in yogourt. I always thought it was odd, but then again I never tried it. hehehe...

    I love a bagel... with real cheese on it, melted... and then dipped or topped with garlic-mayo.
    I know... REALLY fattening... but... comfort food, y'know?

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    midnight popcorn lol

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    I challenge michelle to make an adorable "choker", necklace, or some other jewellery using a smaller(?maybe) one of her adorable clay flowers.

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    question, m, question!!! Happy *giggles*

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    lol.... aw shucks. LOL
    so come on isn't anyone else gonna try? c'monnnnnnnn lol

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    A: well, you see... sometimes when you have an exuberant amount of chickens in one barn, they start to fight for the attention of the rooster. Some hens go to extreme lengths to eliminate the competition, and have been known to "henpeck" the other hens into submission. These "evil" hens eventually find the eggs they lay are... different.... they have this... odd, reddish, fiery glow o them... when cooked... these eggs taste FANTASTIC, but are quite fattening. So.. they earned a reputation, and are now called Deviled Eggs.

    (Ok so I used the evil factor but avoided hell and satan... good? lol)

    Q: where do sweaters come from?

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    ooh! ooh! I can do that too! lol

    CaMmYo .. there was a guy in my elementary school who could do that... it was frickin' crazy!! llol you should video yourself doing it and watch it lol

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    Wow. Yeah... I will say right now that I admit it, I *hate* my "stuff" (as my little group of friends jokingly refer to either gender's genitalia lol)... I think it's ugly and I could probably rhyme off a bunch of reasons (but I won't LOL).... BUT... I would NEVERRRRRRR... NEVER!!!... even CONSIDER getting plastic surgery to make my stuff prettier. I mean... really... wtf is wrong with people, anyway?

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    aww! Happy

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    That's what we're here for ;) I'm glad we made you smile. Happy

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    Happy A little editing and rewording if you want to have my advice....

    "For the trip to be a success, we all need to contribute by raising funds individually, in addition to our group efforts. For my contribution, I plan to make and sell jewellery, including basic earrings, bracelets, necklaces and small beaded keyrings. This is where your assistance would be most gratefully accepted. I am asking for any donation of materials that you may be able to contribute for me. This will allow me to keep my expenses down and raise as much as possible towards the costs of my expedition. In the past I have been complimented on my handmade jewellery, so I assure you that any materials you donate to me would be put to good use, and would add to the quality of my resulting pieces! Any donations would be very much appreciated, as this is an amazing opportunity for me, and I need as much help as I can to raise the necessary funds. This help comes from generous people such as yourselves."

    I took out some repeated words, changed a few sentences a bit, and took out some repetitiveness that didn't need to be there. Simplified a little bit... and added a compliment (the quality bit) to sweeten them up a bit. Happy You expressed gratitude and appreciation and thanks in every other sentence *grins* so I edited that a little too. I used the word accepted in there, because it kindof works as a bit of a subconscious "assumption" that they're GOING to do what you're asking. I worked in active sales for 2 years so... I tried to put a little of that to work for you there. lol. Hope I'm helpful. There were one or two grammar and/or spelling edits too but I don't remember offhand lol. They may even have been in words that I removed...? Um... ok well. I hope that helps, and good luck!

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