Posts by Mama Zoe

    I don't like the points thing because like Tom said, you'll get "points grabbers" meaning that they'll start making post-for-no-reason threads like CRAZY, start adding absolutely everyone as friends even though they've never even talked to them or chatted with them, etc... and adding silly little non-projects, etc. Y'know what I mean? Nothing peeves me more than on MySpace and Facebook when people I've never met or talked to want to add me just so I can join their team and help them win/get points on some silly game or other...

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    Check this one out... somethin' must be crossed somewhere LOL
    It seems to do it not when I'm here typing to you now, but when I'm on the main "Boards" page and a few other places.

    click on this...
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> see it bigger if you can't quite tell what it's doing..

    Oh, and you should know when I edited this post and saved the new version, it took me to an error page.
    It still saved the change.... but it gave me an error. Apparently the page I was looking for wasn't found??? lol

    Just keepin' ya busy, there, Tom. *grins*

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    My fav's button seems the same as always... am I just on glue? LOL...

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    ACK! Edit post isn't working again... getting "OOOPS!" messages again!!! Happy

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    Me too me toooooo it's gone *cry*... There's usually two buttons... Add to Favorites and Add Version (? I think that's the other one, right?) and they're gonnneeeee Happy Happy Happy

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    lol. Well... still. Happy
    On that note, the edit post seems to be fixed... and the Next button I think is also working again... I'll go doublecheck and post back here if not.

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    So I'm adding the third one down here, cuz as I said above, "Edit" for the post isn't working (but the subject-line edit button still works!)

    ...the third thing I noticed was when I went into the Kool-Aid pie project (that's where I noticed it first) the comments were all jumbled at the bottom... comments were on top of other comments, the comment "bubbles" were all misaligned, etc. Just... jumbled. Happy

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    That kinda sums it up but I thought if anyone else had those problems they'd see my thread instead of starting a new one?

    --- First, when I go to the Projects tab, today, and hit "Next Page" on the newest projects at the bottom or "Page 2", etc... it just refreshes the page and nothing happens.

    --- Second, when I tried to edit my post in the Swap Shop list (the Quickie Yuletime etc. one, if that helps)... I hit "edit", and it took me to that "Ooops!" error page.

    Happy Just tryin to help.

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    AND... (I'm sorry!) If the main page with the title and the name of who started the thread, links to each page of posts (or at least 1, 2, 3, LAST) ... so that you don't have to click into the thread and search for what you wanted... and if you only want to see new posts, you can click "LAST" and go directly to the last post Happy

    EDIT: I did notice the next day that there's a "(view)" link next to where it says who posted last. I never noticed it before cuz it's tiny!!! Happy lol...

    P.S. That's OK I know you're really busy! Happy I knew you'd get here eventually *smile* Thanks!

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    I feel like a big pain in the rear but I had one more idea that would totally rock my sox;

    "SUGGEST THIS" buttons on all projects. Say you see this project that you just KNOW that <insert friend's name here> would absolutely adore. You click "SUGGEST THIS", and it would give you the option to "Suggest it" to one of your CO&K friends, via a drop-down list of all your CO&K friends... OR to email it to a friend who is not a CO&K member (so as to show it to them AND maybe they'll start an account, right? Yay free promotion! lol)

    ... and of course the Facebook/MySpace share buttons might be good too. But... meh.

    Ok I'll try and restrain myself now. *grin*


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    My computer did something weird the other day when I made a blog post, and for some reason it submitted with just a title and no text. So I went back, re-did the entry, saved and published... but the blank one (well the title anyway) is still in my list of blog posts (though it's not published).
    I think that for published AND not-published blog posts, there should be a delete option.

    Mama Zoe.

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    Thought of something else, though maybe it does exist and I'm just oblivious? But I don't think so...
    I know we get email notifications when we have a new comment or project comment...
    But what about having a link up beside "Messages" and "Friends" that says "Comments" so it can say like... 5 Comments... and you click it, and there's a link to each project that has a new comment... AND any comments that have been replied to (like if I commented on someone else's project and they responded)... And of course the links would go away once I'd visited those projects, and it would assume I'd read the comment.

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    Ohhhh okay ... no wonder I couldn't find it then ;) Thanks!

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    Do the CO&K peeps still read this thread?
    I'd REALLY like to see a timestamp on the main part of the boards.
    Hard to explain what I mean um..
    As in... when I click on "CO+K Wishlist" board... I see at the top, of course, the most recently posted-to threads...
    I see;
    - the subject line
    - the person who started the thread
    - the person who posted to the thread last, and when they posted.

    What I would LOVE to see, is in the second point above, not only who STARTED the thread, but WHEN they started the thread! Sometimes it's very relevant... like in the swaps list... there's one there right now that says "A new swap" and it was at the top because someone had posted to it today... but when I clicked on it, it was actually an old swap, ending the week of Hallowe'en. I can see when it was started once I'm IN the thread. But I wouldn'tve clicked it originally if I knew from the first page, that someone posted that a month ago. Make sense? Happy

    Just a thought.

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    I can't even figure out how or where to go to MAKE a blog post... Happy Am I blind? Or is it just not accessible at all right now for some reason?

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