Posts by Mama Zoe

    watched "The Notebook" last night. Bawled my eyes out. LOL Yes I am a sap.
    I know why guys don't like "chick flicks"... if they were expected to live up to every guy in a movie like that, my gods, they'd NEVER get a date! ROFL. I love my hubby to death and he's romantic "now and then" lol... but c'mon... would the Notebook actually happen? No way! lol

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    Dunno if I'd go as far as "gatehead" lol but I just started watching it recently (like over the past two months or so) on a more-than-once-in-a-blue-moon basis... I usually watch it once a day-ish, whichever one happens to be on. Starting to really like SG-1... Atlantis I don't see often but I watch it when it's on. I can't name pretty much anyone but Vala and Daniel Jackson though LOL... Happy good show though. I've always been into sci-fi stuff like that...

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