Posts by Mama Zoe

    everything I can't have lol

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    i'm tired

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    haha woot! sounds like a plan

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    I want to visit a haunted house/place.

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    ooh! ooh! I can do that too! lol

    CaMmYo .. there was a guy in my elementary school who could do that... it was frickin' crazy!! llol you should video yourself doing it and watch it lol

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    Happy A little editing and rewording if you want to have my advice....

    "For the trip to be a success, we all need to contribute by raising funds individually, in addition to our group efforts. For my contribution, I plan to make and sell jewellery, including basic earrings, bracelets, necklaces and small beaded keyrings. This is where your assistance would be most gratefully accepted. I am asking for any donation of materials that you may be able to contribute for me. This will allow me to keep my expenses down and raise as much as possible towards the costs of my expedition. In the past I have been complimented on my handmade jewellery, so I assure you that any materials you donate to me would be put to good use, and would add to the quality of my resulting pieces! Any donations would be very much appreciated, as this is an amazing opportunity for me, and I need as much help as I can to raise the necessary funds. This help comes from generous people such as yourselves."

    I took out some repeated words, changed a few sentences a bit, and took out some repetitiveness that didn't need to be there. Simplified a little bit... and added a compliment (the quality bit) to sweeten them up a bit. Happy You expressed gratitude and appreciation and thanks in every other sentence *grins* so I edited that a little too. I used the word accepted in there, because it kindof works as a bit of a subconscious "assumption" that they're GOING to do what you're asking. I worked in active sales for 2 years so... I tried to put a little of that to work for you there. lol. Hope I'm helpful. There were one or two grammar and/or spelling edits too but I don't remember offhand lol. They may even have been in words that I removed...? Um... ok well. I hope that helps, and good luck!

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    *screams in agony!!!!!!!!!!!!*
    ...that is all. kthxbye. *blink*

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    I really really really want my EI to pay for me to go back to school. Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease let something go RIGHT for meeeeee!!!! *crosses fingers*

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    ROFL omg Dis I just laughed so hard I snorted *giggles* I LOVE your diagrams hahahaha.... sorry LOL

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    my migraine is gone (yay ultra-relief tylenol x2 lol) ... and now that it's half past midnight, I have to do some paintings for a fundraiser auction tomorrow!! ack.

    Umbrellas? sweet. lol. I wanna seeeee

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    it makes my entire shoulder and arm and hand go to pins and needles at various times all day long ... and now for no apparent reason I also have a migraine steadily worsening (I've got my screen turned down to like half-bright right now lol) ... and it really really sucks.

    Picture on your shoes? I dunno... some kind of fruit? lol.

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    Check out the FAQ's on the site... it answers all the concerns you gals have been asking (including me and the leakage question) lol... go see Happy

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    AAAARRRGGGHGHGHGHGHGHGHHHHHH!!!!!! :'( the pinched nerve thing in my shoulder hurts REALLY bad right now. *pout*

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    Aww! *tear* I hadn't looked past the first post of this thread yet cuz I thought "Eh, I'm too new, nobody would've said anything about me, and I don't know what to say about anyone else... but I was bored so I read it today and I'm so touched that anyone mentioned lil' ol' me!!! *grins* You guys are all so sweet.
    For one - ALL of you are amazing people, I love creative people and you're all so caring about eachother and so embracing of new people it just astounds me every day. I can't stay away <3<3<3 Love you all.

    For a few that I feel like I CAN say a little about (and as I get to know ppl I will try and remember to come back and mention them too)
    Dis - you rock, michelle is right you are so cute lol... and I adore your creativity when it comes to challenges and such. you're great with wordiness. lol. To be honest I haven't looked at your actual crafts I don't think, but I'll have to get on toppa that! Happy We gotta get that grab bag thing goin! Happy lol

    Sug - you are the bubbliest, happiest girl I have even seen.. and I wish I could learn some of that from you because I used to be that way and ... well I guess I got old and had kids. *laughs* You are a ray of sunshine, and have such an awesome creative flair!

    michelle - You are such a darling lol... I love your projects cuz they're so unique and interesting, and they always make me smile. (clay flowers - omgawwwwww!) And you're so open and honest on the lists here, it's always a pleasure to see your posts.

    I'm on my way out the door right now, so that's my tribute to the first three people I "met" on the boards... there's more! but I gotta go (hubby's waitin for me to come down and get in the car LOL)... so I'll come back and do more later!!! yay!

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