Posts by Mama Zoe

    I challenge you to think outside the box.
    This should get our creative minds working LOL...
    Here's how it works;

    I'll ask a question.
    The next person answers my question, and asks a new one.

    Here's the catch; you must not give the obvious or correct answer.
    You must think outside the box, be creative, and come up with something clever!

    Here's an example;
    If I ask: "Why do dogs bark?"
    The answer could be: "Because long ago they used to rule over the cats, and since the cats were so stubborn, they had to bark to make them listen!"

    Get it? I hope? LOL...

    Here we go!...........

    Q: Why is the sky blue?

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    ya but at least it's your own stuff you're washing, right? that makes it not AS bad.

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    lol. Well... still. Happy
    On that note, the edit post seems to be fixed... and the Next button I think is also working again... I'll go doublecheck and post back here if not.

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    Ok tara, but on that note how gross are pads? Nevermind sloshing, you have to sit n' squish with a pad... *wrinkles nose*
    (lol sorry)

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    It's pear-shaped... it's a bump. ;) YAY!

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    That was my initial response too, but my roommate got one and she swears by it ... she says it's really easy, not messy, she's never had it overflow or anything (that was something I said I would worry about and she said no way)... and you don't have to excuse yourself to the bathroom every few hours because apparently it's good for 12 hours or so at a time. And for the reusable part... well... definately good for the environment... and she says it's really super-simple and easy to wash up. *shrugs* I'm considering it... she also said that $35 once means she doesn't have to spend $5-$8 every month... which... was a good point, no? lol.

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    I like ta move it, move it...
    He like ta move it, move it...
    She like ta move it, move it...
    Ya like ta.........

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    It helps a LOT... not only because it helps you keep track, but it holds you accountable for every penny lol

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    awesome Happy well take a stab at the form for us and we'll see if anyone else joins us Happy

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    K so here's what I'm thinkin'... any issues or concerns, feel free to let me know.
    partners, since we're even now--->

    MamaZoe & Shazzaah
    Charleeeeee & ale_corason
    JessayahX & Candice C.

    Good to go? Happy Everyone happy with that?
    When do we want to aim for completion? Nobody responded, but I did suggest mail by December 5th because I did call it a Quickie Yuletime swap... It should be one to two SMALL items that don't take you more than a few hours to make, ideally. Hopefully this means things will arrive before the end of the month *crosses fingers* or by Xmas if we're lucky?

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    lol. Sorry ladies... I was (and am) sick as a dog, and I passed out last night before I got back on the computer.... and today I had my first training session for my new job so I came home and ate dinner before I got on here for the first time today! lol. Gonna go take a look now, before I fall asleep again!!! lol

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    So I'm adding the third one down here, cuz as I said above, "Edit" for the post isn't working (but the subject-line edit button still works!)

    ...the third thing I noticed was when I went into the Kool-Aid pie project (that's where I noticed it first) the comments were all jumbled at the bottom... comments were on top of other comments, the comment "bubbles" were all misaligned, etc. Just... jumbled. Happy

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    That kinda sums it up but I thought if anyone else had those problems they'd see my thread instead of starting a new one?

    --- First, when I go to the Projects tab, today, and hit "Next Page" on the newest projects at the bottom or "Page 2", etc... it just refreshes the page and nothing happens.

    --- Second, when I tried to edit my post in the Swap Shop list (the Quickie Yuletime etc. one, if that helps)... I hit "edit", and it took me to that "Ooops!" error page.

    Happy Just tryin to help.

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    lol That's ok we'll forgive you *grin*

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