Posts by Mama Zoe

    I feel like a big pain in the rear but I had one more idea that would totally rock my sox;

    "SUGGEST THIS" buttons on all projects. Say you see this project that you just KNOW that <insert friend's name here> would absolutely adore. You click "SUGGEST THIS", and it would give you the option to "Suggest it" to one of your CO&K friends, via a drop-down list of all your CO&K friends... OR to email it to a friend who is not a CO&K member (so as to show it to them AND maybe they'll start an account, right? Yay free promotion! lol)

    ... and of course the Facebook/MySpace share buttons might be good too. But... meh.

    Ok I'll try and restrain myself now. *grin*


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    My computer did something weird the other day when I made a blog post, and for some reason it submitted with just a title and no text. So I went back, re-did the entry, saved and published... but the blank one (well the title anyway) is still in my list of blog posts (though it's not published).
    I think that for published AND not-published blog posts, there should be a delete option.

    Mama Zoe.

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    Thought of something else, though maybe it does exist and I'm just oblivious? But I don't think so...
    I know we get email notifications when we have a new comment or project comment...
    But what about having a link up beside "Messages" and "Friends" that says "Comments" so it can say like... 5 Comments... and you click it, and there's a link to each project that has a new comment... AND any comments that have been replied to (like if I commented on someone else's project and they responded)... And of course the links would go away once I'd visited those projects, and it would assume I'd read the comment.

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    Got this idea from the challenge I put forth on the "I challenge you..." thread.
    But I'm gonna expand on it.

    A) Take a children's cartoon, toy or tv character (I said Winnie the Pooh in the other challenge, but you could use Barbie, Strawberry Shortcake, a carebear, Bob the Builder... whatever)

    B) Punk it out.

    None. You can use any medium you like, if you want to paint a picture, make a cross-stitch, take a picture and photoshop it, make an amigurami doll... take the actual doll or stuffed animal and modify it... You have free reign!

    ...if there's enough people maybe we'll figure out a prize for the best... but we'll wait and see how many people enter! Happy

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    lol... you guys are hilarious. I was gonna try and start by taking up a challenge but... crystal leigh, I totally can't do that LOL. I tried and failed... that and my cam is acting up. SO... I'm gonna start by giving out a challenge...

    I challenge the next person to read this... to take Winnie the Pooh... and make him punk-rock. LOL
    (I didn't specify a medium... you can take a picture and photoshop it, or a stuffed animal and sew troll hair on it... or make a drawing on paper... whatever you choose!)

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    ehhhh ok so this didn't turn out quite how I meant, but... eh... close enough. Only worked on it for like... an hour. LOL.
    Yes, yes, I am a photoshop whore, tyvm <3

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    And... the things that inspired me to start this thread... I'll kick off the thread by sharing the green paisley corduroy remnant I got from the fabric store... AND the fantastic brown plaid corduroy that I found at the thrift store. SO great. BUT... no idea where to start to make something. I'm thinking some sort of uneven skirt with the brown... and MAYBE I'll give up the green paisley to one of my kids as a dress cuz it's just a fairly narrow strip. Any ideas?

    Green Paisley Cord...

    Brown Plaid Cord...

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    So... let's see who else is as geeky as I am LOL...
    Here's a place to post pix of all those FFF's!!!

    What the heck do I mean?
    - that awesome bag of yarn you found on the discount rack
    - the crazy retro shirt you're gonna revamp
    - those fantastic craft supplies you found at the Salvation Army store
    - the totally wicked remnants you got from the fabric store clearance bin
    - the sweet patches you found at the dollar store
    - omg cool shoelaces!
    - can you believe someone threw this out?

    ...get it now? Sweet.

    I'm talking mainly discount store and thrift store finds, but hey... that's just where the idea came from for this thread. If you found something fantastic at your local drugstore that you're gonna make into something great... post a pic!

    This is a thread for posting pre-creation finds! Post your creations under your projects of course - we just wanna see what you found BEFORE you create! And, if you're like me and you buy stuff spontaneously but are stumped for inspiration, maybe someone else can give you an idea after they see your FFF's! Happy

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    I have a zillion-and-one tees around here... I think I might try this. Happy

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    ooh I love this challenge... I shall have to think and see if I come up with something.
    ...on a semi-related note... i made a pair of sandals out of scrap leather and about 5 layers of different colored styrofoam meat trays, for a "made from garbage" project one year back in High School.... lol. They were awesome... though unfortunately the styrofoam wasn't pliant enough to walk successfully, yet not stiff enough to not crack when you walked. I never did find a solution for that. Darn.

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    Woot Happy That was fun. lol...
    Gave her some new digs... some contacts and some hair dye lol.

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    since it's just a "quickie craft", I'll give it a week or so before we get started... see how many more takers we get Happy

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    I would have to say... depends on your partner, but as a rule... whatever you want *grin*

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    Ohhhh okay ... no wonder I couldn't find it then ;) Thanks!

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    I was thinking expense-wise, too... lol. But alright, let's do this up. *grin*
    Swap Form:
    Favorite colours? depends what's together... I love gothy stuff like black and red and purple and skullies... but I also LOVE earthy stuff like brown, hunter green, etc.
    Would you like someone to make you for this winter swap? I'm not picky... but I love anything really unique/funky if that helps at all. I'm a crazy hippy so if someone likes doing recycled-stuff projects that's awesome too.
    Something you would not like. - It might go against the whole winter-warmth thing but... hell, I'm in Canada... I have tons of scarves and mittens.
    What do you have in mind to make in this winter swap? On the reverse here, I was thinking probably to do something with my newfound crochet skilllllzzzzz lol. Perhaps a funky scarf or hat or something... OR explore some of the neat material I picked up today and do something with that.

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