Posts by Mama Zoe

    Name (real or cok): Zoe Happy or Deb. I answer to both. Deb's on my birth cert. though LOL.
    Age: 29
    Location: Ontario Canada
    Wists: nope
    Cute cuddly creatures(kitties,bunnies): kitties Happy
    Naughty sexy creatures(deviled ladies ect): fairies, pixies... mermaids...
    Chocolates or Flowers: depends on my mood but usually chocolate!
    Color Coded(fav color): Poiple. Tongue and then green... blue... orange.. and everything else.
    Candy Coated(fav candy): red licorice/Nibs, skittles, nerds, gummies, ju-jubes... um... yes? lol
    Love Notes(stationary): unique. no flowers. rice paper?... self-decorated...?
    Book of possibilities(journal): Again, unique... natural... random.... I'm throwing out keywords, i guess. LOL
    Jewelry(enclose measurements): ring 7/8/9ish?... neck, uh larger than average? LOL... wrist, again, a lil' larger than average. sorry, nothing to measure with atm. I do have pierced ears if that helps at all...
    Celebrity Crush: Johnny Depp. *droool*
    Enchanted Movie: Harry Potter lol... Lord of the Rings... Willow... Legend... The Princess Bride... anything fantastical Happy
    Fae children(age of your younglings): Brigit (6 on Feb 3rd) and Danika (4 on Feb 15th)

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    wow I TOTALLY flunked out on that promise, eh? lemme go grab that form right now. Sorry guys!

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    omg that lion is soooo cute! Happy
    I never did even exchange addresses with my partner lol... I don't know if she's still here... :\

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    lol Lilim... I still gotta finish the silly thing. I hope you like it *grin*

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    Woot! I'm still alive here... I'm not at home right now but I'll post my swap form when I'm at home. I started to post it the other day but my connection died before I could hit "Save" lol... I do have one on the chitchat board Swap Form list or whatever the subject line is on that one. I'll do this one though I promise. Happy Happy Happy Happy Yule, btw. I turned 29 yesterday Tongue Gack. Tongue

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    *jumps up and down waving hand in the air* !!!!!! me! me! me!

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    A: Max's mom is actually Minnie Mouse... you see... she and Mickey broke up for a while, and.... well... she'd rather the general population not know about her little indiscrepancies so... she swore everyone to secrecy. Mickey doesn't know because he was overseas for a year. Shh, don't tell him.

    Q: Why do princesses, queens, kings, princes, etc... wear crowns?

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    I don't like the points thing because like Tom said, you'll get "points grabbers" meaning that they'll start making post-for-no-reason threads like CRAZY, start adding absolutely everyone as friends even though they've never even talked to them or chatted with them, etc... and adding silly little non-projects, etc. Y'know what I mean? Nothing peeves me more than on MySpace and Facebook when people I've never met or talked to want to add me just so I can join their team and help them win/get points on some silly game or other...

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    Check this one out... somethin' must be crossed somewhere LOL
    It seems to do it not when I'm here typing to you now, but when I'm on the main "Boards" page and a few other places.

    click on this...
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a> see it bigger if you can't quite tell what it's doing..

    Oh, and you should know when I edited this post and saved the new version, it took me to an error page.
    It still saved the change.... but it gave me an error. Apparently the page I was looking for wasn't found??? lol

    Just keepin' ya busy, there, Tom. *grins*

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    me too courtney LOL ... it helps!

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    upload pics if you want to for sure Happy
    I have to admit I havent sent yet cuz I got a new job but I hope to mail by Monday.

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    everything I can't have lol

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    My fav's button seems the same as always... am I just on glue? LOL...

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