Posts by Mama Zoe

    Sorry everyone, life got in the way and I got rather distracted... I'm moving in a few months, and we're moving in with friends, so a lot of duplicated stuff --- am having to sort everything I own into Keep/Sell/Give away piles lol... It's really exhausting! And just plain busy with my kids. Got so distracted I hadn't even logged on here in a while and I feel bad for it, sorry!
    The next one should've been for like... Tuesday... but I never mailed out names. Did people arleady get their next pages ready to go, or should I give us til Apr 15th?

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    lol no duh's... just giggles Happy

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    Jessayah, darl' ... I need your address Happy

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    Hey all Happy I got my pages from CreativeMind, early bird that she is *grin* They're GORGEOUS and I can't wait to share with you all but I have to locate my camera first... LOL It seems to have grown legs.

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    *points up to the top*... lol... silly girls, it's been up there since day one *grin*

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    Well... there's only 4 of us... I guess we're the only ones lookin' forward to spring? LOL
    So... how about Gypsie & Martha.... Me & Dis?
    Have you and Martha swapped before Gypsie?

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    We're supposed to be sending @ end of month, Ezme Happy

    Rhibi... absolutely... I'll re-partner us for next month in about a week.

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    Got paid today Happy Tempted to still add something else to the box before I send it and I've missed the mail for today so I'll hopefully be mailing on Monday. FYI, Lilim Happy

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    I had tried to message her a few times and CO&K wasn't giving me a "Message" link on her profile, so couldn't... she apparently sent me it already and I never got it... BUT!!! I got a message from her this morning with her address Happy Happy Happy Yay!

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    Happy I have at least 4 things made and one or two more ideas that I want to finish before I send but... Happy Michelle where are you hon?

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    Yay Dis!!! ... 2 more days left to sign up! C'mon peeps, these few folks can't be the only ones looking forward to the warm weather!

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    I dunno about anyone/anywhere else, but here in Ontario I just had a week of mostly above-zero temperatures... a LOT of the snow melted finally... even saw some grass thru it here and there... (we had -not even kidding- about a 6 foot pile of snow at the bottom of our driveway from shoveling... still can't see most of our front yard for the pile of snow there from shoveling).... It's snowing again today but... the touch of green and melting was uplifting!
    Anyone else gonna join in this Spring swap? Happy

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    Awesome Happy Yay!

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    Michelle!!! Happy I need your address! If you sent it already then CO&K must've screwed up because I never got it... Happy

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    Two weeks everyone Happy

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