Posts by Ms. Nikell

    So I just posted my recipe. It's smothered Pork Chops.

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    Working on a new purse at the moment. It's a slow process.

    I want to start on some spring refashions too. I have some shirts that are screaming for makeovers. I have to stay focused though.

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    She was recently featured as a crafty superstar. She also has good projects on here. Check her out I think her name is Carly.


    I think I'll take a look at some of the site you guys mentioned.

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    Thanks when my husband and I buy our house, I want to start my own garden. This will help as I have never started a garden in my life.

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    Ohh traditional food...I think I'll do a soul food recipe. I'm up for the challenge!

    It's kind of hard for me to know what is traditional "American" food. There are so many different cultures here. It's like a big melting pot. For me, soul food is traditional so I'll play it safe and go with that.

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    It takes a bit for it to show up on the site. If you just posted it, check back in a few hours and it should be up.

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    "I usually just need some chocolate. It always helps!"

    Chocolate cures everything! I Think if the rest of the world thought that way, it would be a better place.

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    For some reason, I don't trust getting things from over seas. I'm more comfortable with ordering right here in the good ol' US of A. I do value shop and price compare to make sure I am getting the best deal possible. My husband and I have a home based business so every penny counts. Plus, it seems that you pay more for shipping when you order from over seas. What you save on the item gets spent on shipping. If I were you, I'd do some serious value shopping and just get what you need from the US.

    BTW... it may also help to search for coupon codes. I saved like $15 on some contacts a while back just by using for a coupon code.

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    Thanks! That pic is soo cute. Maybe I'll get that book. I'm sure Minnie would appreciate it.

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    As my darling Grandmother used to say ..."It bees that way sometimes".

    It helps me to take a long hot bath with scented candles burning and the lights off. I sometimes listen to classical music too that also helps me to relax. Tomorrow will be a better day.

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    Well if I come up with anything I'll let you know Michelle. You gotta look out for Moo.

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    I'm watching a movie on LMN. It's called "The 19th Wife"

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    I want to make a hooded bathrobe for my dog. Does anyone know where I can find a free pattern? I was looking at some pictures of dog bathrobes online but I think it may be easier to use a pattern instead of winging it.

    Thanks in advance.

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    I asked Crafterella about it here is the message I got...

    "Hey Mod,

    Yeah we're completely overhauling the notifications system. We're going to have daily emails that go out and round everything up for you - all your favourites, comments, versions etc. But for now, check out the new notifications drop down in the top bar and that'll tell you about all your favourites!

    Sorry about that, it'll all be up and running soon."

    I too like the emails. I hardly ever get emails and it kind of makes me feel important :0) But I hope that helps y'all.

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    Congrats!!!! You did a good job on it.

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