Posts by Ms. Nikell

    Michelle, please don't close your account. You have great projects! Just ignore the silly rude comments. I had a rude comment on one of my projects. It kind of shocked me b/c CO+K has such supportive members. When I think of all of the great comments wonderful support I get here, it overshadows the bad. As a Christian, I've learned to overcome evil with good. Good will always win, no matter how you cut it. So just keep being positive and ignore the bad. If you leave, it's like letting them win. PLEASE STAY ^_^

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    I also agree. I try really hard to make my tutorials as thorough as possible. When I see something that I want to make, I expect the author to explain it to me as if they were sitting right next to me.

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    I recently lost about 20 pounds.
    I did it by slowly reduced my caloric intake until I was consuming about 1000 calories a day. I also exercised 5-6 times a week for 45 min-1 hr. I did variations of cardio and strength training. It wasn't easy but I stuck to it and I lost the weight. I also drank a lot of water.

    Here are the tools I used:

    I used this to help me figure out how many calories to eat:

    I used this to help log what I eat each day:

    I did workouts from here:

    I also used the free tools on Jenny Craig

    It helps to have support from a friend or someone to hold you accountable to what you eat. My husband was/is my support.

    I hope this helps. There is no easy quick fix. It just takes determination and hard work. You can do it. Whether you use my method or not, I would love to hear about your progress.


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    I'll be sure to check Destination Truth out. I think I've seen commercials for the show but didn't pay it much attention.

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    Thanks Pammerz!! Me too
    I think Rawr is right with the whole Nessie thing.

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    Yeah I agree with Crafty and Corvus too, that's one of the reason's why I think it's real. Add on to the thousands of eye witnesses, the footprints people find, and the old Native American drawings depicting this thing and you can't come up with any other conclusion. Everybody can't be hoaxing.

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    I'm watching a show called "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet. I've come to the conclusion that Bigfoot is real and does exist. I've believe this for a while now and that's why I was interested in the show. I don't care if you call me crazy, a kook, or whatever. I think these things are real and I'm not going into the woods ANYWHERE.

    What do you guys think?

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    No, I don't want to look like either of those women:0) I had to look at the cat lady picture a little closer. She looks alien-like to me. It's scary.

    I LOVE the fashion of those days. When I get my clothing line started, that is the type of style I will have.

    The women in those commercials are so elegant. The beer commercials of toady are a far cry from the ones in those days. Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time and just live a couple days to see what it was like (minus the American racial issues ;o))

    I've never heard of Size 8 Cereal b4. I just learned something.

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    Michelle you are too much :oD

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    American TV can be pretty explicit too. My sister is into Anime and my mom said she has to monitor the shows she watch. She said it can get pretty graphic.

    I believe you Michelle with the whole photoshop thing. My next album is going to be called "Natural Beauty". Nowadays, people are getting so pumped up with Botox, silicone and everything else, no one looks real anymore. God made us in His image and the Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We should celebrate our natural beauty.

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    Amen to that Michelle!

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    I've never seen the commercial you are talking about. However, I feel hat TV in general today has resorted to inappropriate nudity to get their points across. I choose to turn the channel whenever something like this comes on. But it irritates me because I just want to watch a good wholesome show without the extras.

    It is a shame when you have to watch movies that were made in the 30's 40's and 50's to get something good and appropriate.

    This was a good rant. You picked a good topic.

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    It takes a bit for it to show up on the site. If you just posted it, check back in a few hours and it should be up.

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    "I usually just need some chocolate. It always helps!"

    Chocolate cures everything! I Think if the rest of the world thought that way, it would be a better place.

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    For some reason, I don't trust getting things from over seas. I'm more comfortable with ordering right here in the good ol' US of A. I do value shop and price compare to make sure I am getting the best deal possible. My husband and I have a home based business so every penny counts. Plus, it seems that you pay more for shipping when you order from over seas. What you save on the item gets spent on shipping. If I were you, I'd do some serious value shopping and just get what you need from the US.

    BTW... it may also help to search for coupon codes. I saved like $15 on some contacts a while back just by using for a coupon code.

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