Posts by Ms. Nikell

    Thanks a lot ladies. I'll have to look into that. I'll do some searching on hand sewing etc. I know I need to learn that stuff anyway. The sewing machine makes me lazy lol.

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    I'm looking to start incorporating a few couture sewing techniques into my projects. Anybody out there know of some (free) resources that'll teach me what I need to know.

    Thanks for reading and responding,
    Nikell - Mod.s.t Fashions

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    Another good blog to check out is:
    Her tutorials are geared towards beginners. Her blog is also a style blog but she does sewing how-to's as a well.

    I post weekly how to's on my blog If you have any questions about sewing feel free to message me and I'll be happy to help you out (^_^)

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    Oh...National Sewing Month, how fun!! Now I have an even better excuse to spend countless hours at my sewing machine ^_^

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