Posts by Ms. Nikell

    Congrats!! I look forward to seeing pictures of your little cutie. (^_^)

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    I don't know how to post a photo to the board so I'll leave a link where our photo is located.

    This is me and my husband (^_^)

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    @monkeylibrium That's a great idea! I do a Fashion DIY every week on my blog You're more than welcome to do one of my projects. Let me know how it turns out and I'll post your finished project on my blog.

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    You're very welcome (^_^)

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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam'm definitely going to check out both of you ladies' blogs.

    @Laurenzoe, don't get discouraged if you don't have many followers yet. My blog is in it's 2nd year and my followers are just now starting to pick up. Just b/c people aren't following doesn't mean you don't have traffic. So keep at it. If you're interested, you could put your blog on Bloglovin'. It's a good way to get followers.

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    I just went over to check it out but it said it couldn't be found. Is it "The recycling rabbit"?

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    I'm fairly last minute. I like to feel the rush LOL.

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    I just went to see the listing and the picture that's shown looks like her logo or something. So, it must have been taken down. It's really sad that people think they can just take something that doesn't belong to them and try to sell it. As long as one profits from dishonest gain (no matter how big or small) they will always lose out in the end. We see it on American Greed all the time.

    BTW...your project is too cute

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    My Five (in no particular order)...

    1. Playing Video Games ( Mostly adventure games like Zelda but I've been into Amped 3 since getting an xbox 360)

    2. Teen Damadies (PLL, Secret Life, Chloe King)

    3. Anything Vintage (Movies, Fashion, Magazine Covers)

    4. Polyvore (

    5. Sewing

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    I have 32 so far. I agree with you Felecity. If I'm not 100 about a project, I won't post it. I deleted a couple myself.

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    When I was in high school, I would wear socks that weren't the same color as each other, but they coordinated with my outfit. If anyone said anything about it, I'd say "they"

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    When I was in high school, I would wear socks that weren't the same color as each other, but they coordinated with my outfit. If anyone said anything about it, I'd say "they"

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    If I could have absolutely anything in the world, I'd want a chance to go back in time and fix some of the mistakes I've made.

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    I live in NC, for the first time since I was 5 I was afraid of a storm (27 now). We didn't get anything bad. But I couldn't sleep until I was sure it had pass.

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    The others that won said they weren't going to share.

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