Posts by Ms. Nikell

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    I post Bible topics, recipes, home remedies, and fashion topic there.

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    The others that won said they weren't going to share.

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    While watching CNN this morning, I saw a story about 7 office workers who won the Mega Millions Lotto. These workers have been doing this lotto pool for years now. There was an eighth guy who decided not to play the lotto that day. He has been playing the lotto with the group for years. So, it's not like he's just some random guy. The day he decided not to play, is the day the group won the millions.

    My question to you guys is:
    If it were you, would you look out for the guy that didn't play that day and give him some of the money?

    I would give him something. Not a whole lot. However, I would buy him something nice or give him a couple of thousands. That's just the type of person I am.

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    While watching CNN this morning, I saw a story about 7 office workers who won the Mega Millions Lotto. These workers have been doing this lotto pool for years now. There was an eighth guy who decided not to play the lotto that day. He has been playing the lotto with the group for years. So, it's not like he's just some random guy. The day he decided not to play, is the day the group won the millions.

    My question to you guys is:
    If it were you, would you look out for the guy that didn't play that day and give him some of the money?

    I would give him something. Not a whole lot. However, I would buy him something nice or give him a couple of thousands. That's just the type of person I am.

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    No, I don't want to look like either of those women:0) I had to look at the cat lady picture a little closer. She looks alien-like to me. It's scary.

    I LOVE the fashion of those days. When I get my clothing line started, that is the type of style I will have.

    The women in those commercials are so elegant. The beer commercials of toady are a far cry from the ones in those days. Sometimes, I wish I could go back in time and just live a couple days to see what it was like (minus the American racial issues ;o))

    I've never heard of Size 8 Cereal b4. I just learned something.

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    Michelle you are too much :oD

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    I think your name is cute. Maybe something like "Tiffany Noelle Home". I'll do some more brain storming maybe I can help you out.

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    "You know better than to hang around here pretending to be a yellow line. Dress up is for at home." She shouted

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    OK who else is up for the challenge?

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    American TV can be pretty explicit too. My sister is into Anime and my mom said she has to monitor the shows she watch. She said it can get pretty graphic.

    I believe you Michelle with the whole photoshop thing. My next album is going to be called "Natural Beauty". Nowadays, people are getting so pumped up with Botox, silicone and everything else, no one looks real anymore. God made us in His image and the Bible says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. We should celebrate our natural beauty.

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    Amen to that Michelle!

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    I've never seen the commercial you are talking about. However, I feel hat TV in general today has resorted to inappropriate nudity to get their points across. I choose to turn the channel whenever something like this comes on. But it irritates me because I just want to watch a good wholesome show without the extras.

    It is a shame when you have to watch movies that were made in the 30's 40's and 50's to get something good and appropriate.

    This was a good rant. You picked a good topic.

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    I found this site a while back:

    she has good gardening and "green" projects too.

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    Thats a good idea Gertie. Maybe even make it look vintage...that's if she's into the vintage look.

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    Perhaps you could make her a cute tote. Then fill it with some of her favorite things. (her favorite bath soaps or even cute sleepwear/lingerie)

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