Posts by Ms. Nikell

    I have some chicken breast in the freezer and I want to try something different with it. I could always make the same ol' lemon pepper or bake it. But, I want to maybe try something exotic from another country (I live in the USA). Any suggestions? I'm pretty open to anything as long as it's not spicy. As my husband puts it, I'm a wimp in that department.

    Thanks in advance,

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    My Five (in no particular order)...

    1. Playing Video Games ( Mostly adventure games like Zelda but I've been into Amped 3 since getting an xbox 360)

    2. Teen Damadies (PLL, Secret Life, Chloe King)

    3. Anything Vintage (Movies, Fashion, Magazine Covers)

    4. Polyvore (

    5. Sewing

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    Michelle, please don't close your account. You have great projects! Just ignore the silly rude comments. I had a rude comment on one of my projects. It kind of shocked me b/c CO+K has such supportive members. When I think of all of the great comments wonderful support I get here, it overshadows the bad. As a Christian, I've learned to overcome evil with good. Good will always win, no matter how you cut it. So just keep being positive and ignore the bad. If you leave, it's like letting them win. PLEASE STAY ^_^

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    I know that's right ^_^

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    But instead of the boy turning into a vampire, the vampiress turned into a boy.

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    I like the blue ones and the green ones. I see why you can't decided as I said b4 they are all so cute ^_^

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    Those are cute!!
    I recently bought glasses from I discovered this company when I needed to buy contacts. They are priced pretty good, have a great selection and I always get my orders in a timely manner. You can probably find the styles you showed above on there too.

    Oh yeah and you can find coupon codes to get better discounts.

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    I also agree. I try really hard to make my tutorials as thorough as possible. When I see something that I want to make, I expect the author to explain it to me as if they were sitting right next to me.

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    I have 32 so far. I agree with you Felecity. If I'm not 100 about a project, I won't post it. I deleted a couple myself.

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    When I was in high school, I would wear socks that weren't the same color as each other, but they coordinated with my outfit. If anyone said anything about it, I'd say "they"

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    When I was in high school, I would wear socks that weren't the same color as each other, but they coordinated with my outfit. If anyone said anything about it, I'd say "they"

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    Don't have an "I" anything but, yeah, that would be awesome.

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    Ok...thanks ladies ^_^

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    I posted a project like 2 days ago and it still isn't up. Usually when I post a new project, it'll show up later that day or the next day but it's been 2 days now and it's still not up. Am I just impatient or has anyone else encountered this?

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    I recently lost about 20 pounds.
    I did it by slowly reduced my caloric intake until I was consuming about 1000 calories a day. I also exercised 5-6 times a week for 45 min-1 hr. I did variations of cardio and strength training. It wasn't easy but I stuck to it and I lost the weight. I also drank a lot of water.

    Here are the tools I used:

    I used this to help me figure out how many calories to eat:

    I used this to help log what I eat each day:

    I did workouts from here:

    I also used the free tools on Jenny Craig

    It helps to have support from a friend or someone to hold you accountable to what you eat. My husband was/is my support.

    I hope this helps. There is no easy quick fix. It just takes determination and hard work. You can do it. Whether you use my method or not, I would love to hear about your progress.


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