Posts by Ms. Nikell

    If I could have absolutely anything in the world, I'd want a chance to go back in time and fix some of the mistakes I've made.

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    I'll be sure to check Destination Truth out. I think I've seen commercials for the show but didn't pay it much attention.

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    Thanks Pammerz!! Me too
    I think Rawr is right with the whole Nessie thing.

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    I love using denim for bags. It's sturdy and will go with just about anything. Most of the time I recycle old jeans so it's cheap. I recently made my dog a denim plushie. She's hard on her toys and denim seems to last longer.

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    Yeah I agree with Crafty and Corvus too, that's one of the reason's why I think it's real. Add on to the thousands of eye witnesses, the footprints people find, and the old Native American drawings depicting this thing and you can't come up with any other conclusion. Everybody can't be hoaxing.

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    I'm watching a show called "Finding Bigfoot" on Animal Planet. I've come to the conclusion that Bigfoot is real and does exist. I've believe this for a while now and that's why I was interested in the show. I don't care if you call me crazy, a kook, or whatever. I think these things are real and I'm not going into the woods ANYWHERE.

    What do you guys think?

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    I live in NC, for the first time since I was 5 I was afraid of a storm (27 now). We didn't get anything bad. But I couldn't sleep until I was sure it had pass.

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    Making a cover for my new sewing machine. Then, I'm off to do some spring/summer t-shirts refashions.

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    Thank you!!!!!

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    I recently entered a contest called "The Design Your Look Challenge". This challenge called for me to design my ideal spring look. On April 11th, voting on the entries began. I am calling on all of you here at CO+K to help me out by voting for my look. The polls are open until April 15, 2011

    To vote, go to the site below and follow the instructions they have provided.

    You will need my name and blog it is:
    My name is: Nikell J.
    My Blog is:
    (I am the 39th entry down)

    I really appreciate your votes!!! Thank you so much in advance.

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    Mystery shopping is a really good idea. Shopping is even better when you get paid to do it :0)

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    I surf the websites of my favorites stores. I go to the stores that are really expensive first. I even look at websites like, and I'll usually find something that is really expensive but really easy to make; like the Anthro Inspired Bag I posted in February and the Lucky Brand Jeans Bag I posted yesterday.

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    Do you have anything you can sell? Maybe a bake sale or yard sale? I know this doesn't sound very girly but maybe you could mow lawns.

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    Moderate: Hide this post Mark as Spam do you post photos and videos on the board?

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    You go girl! I think it looks good. I think yours looks more practical.

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