What are you reading?

430 replies since 18th July 2007 • Last reply 18th July 2007

I really want to read Lolita!

I'm reading The Wasp Factory again while waiting for a new book

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What is Lolita about?

I'm about to start 'The Traveller' by John Twelve Hawks, I bought it in a chairty shop for 95p haha they also had Memoirs of a Geisha but I couldn't afford both or Memoirs...on it's own and it was a bit tatty anyway. Looks alright.

I miss Harry Potter! I'm part reading the biography of Eels frontman Mark Everret. I'm not a big Eels fan but it just seemed interesting so I read it when my boyfriend comes round, cuz it's his book.

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Its about an eglish professors obsession with a 12 year old girl.
It is a very good read and has been filmed twice Stanley (my lord) Kubrick in the 60s and Adrian Lynne in the 90s. If you are going to watch both watch Lynnes first its not as good but tries to keep the plot more mysterious than Kubrick. But Kubricks version is also hilarious

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I'd rather read the book me thinks.

My mum's reading what sounds like a good book at the mo 'Dead Simple' by Peter James but she's practically told me what happens! I'm gonna read it after her.

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Im reading Betty's Wartime Diary by Nicholas Webley. I love this book and I have read it now about 4 times and I still don't get bored of it.

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im reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time. I can see why it's got so much acclaim, its not supposed to be funny but he is, the narrator is a 15 year old boy with aspergers and he's like any body else but very honest and logical.

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I really liked that book, queenfairypants. It's an interesting take on the Aspergers thing.

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so far I've just concluded that people with aspergers just like routine and like and dislike things like anyone else but like or dislike things in a much more stronger way, bit like ocd. I like how people have to tell him exactly what he can't do or he'll make up his own mind or the thing with how he can't think about possibilities. It's gonna teach me prime numbers!!!

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I'm reading Forgery of Venus by Michael Gruber. It's about a man who can paint like the Classic artist like Leonardo. But he lives in the 1940's, and its about how he forges paintings by those famous painters of old. It's really intersting.

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I really want to read that book Queen Happy
I just finished The Road by Cormac McCarthy and I loved it, I read it in one morning, it's a quick read and you just don't want to put it down.
Then I read Hellboy the first graphic novel and now I am reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

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Just read "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris, a very good read.
I am on issue 12 of Season 8 comic of Buffy. Loving them so far.

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I'm reading Chuck Palahniuk - Survivor. I've never read anything by this guy and I LOVE this book. It's so amazingly messed up but wonderful, I can't put it down

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I just started reading Merick by Anne Rice, I've been reading to many adult books lately...I read a teen book for my age group the other day and I thought it was horrible just because I felt it was too simple.

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> so far I've just concluded that people with aspergers just like routine and like and dislike things like anyone else but like or dislike things in a much more stronger way, bit like ocd.

Yes and no. I imagine it's better thought of as a different sort of way of thinking, rather than just "liking" certain things.

I'm reading "The Adventures of Jimmy Corrigan : The Smartest Kid On Earth".

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Merrick is a good book, if I remember rightly. Haven't read it for a few years though.

By the way K@ti, your avatar almost made me spit my wine out with laughter. Awesome <3

I'm on to Whit by Iain Banks now

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