What are you reading?

430 replies since 18th July 2007 • Last reply 18th July 2007

Just finished "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo" by Stieg Larsson and The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd

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I'm reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. =D

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I'm reading Chocolat by Joanne Harris

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The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. I had started the Man in the Iron Mask but a couple of chapters in I thought I better read them the right way roundHappy

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Nothing! T_T
There's nothing worse than having nothing to read!
My local library has an average fantasy/sci-fi collection, but it's 3/4 sci-fi (I really think that they could seperate them!) and has every single Salvatore book out there (not a fan) and all of his kin-spawn, but none of the authors that I wanna read!
To be completely fair, most of my favorite fantasy writers are between 60 and dead, but still! Where's my Piers Anthony!?! ANNE MCCAFFREY!!! Mr. Lafferty! FRIGGEN TOLKIEN!? They have The Hobbit, and that's it! But the one that really surprises me is Ed Greenwood: They have only 3 Greenwood books, 2 of which are the SAME BOOK! Greenwood is, basically, the father of Salvatore and his ilk, whose titles (as previously stated) are ALL there, quite literally have their own shelf, and they scorn Greenwood! He's not my favorite, but he still deserves to be a staple in any fiction library, as far as I'm concerned.
I feel so old. I seriously should've been this age in the 80's!
Also, I.Want.A.Friggen.BOOK!

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I'm reading The Eyre Affair By Jasper Fforde, hes my new fave writer got into his stuff when i picked up his book Shades of grey which was an amazing book x

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Just started reading Midnight Madness by Karen Kendall (part ofthe blaze series from mills &boon )

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I'm reading a Harry Potter fanfic!

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I'm reading Marley and me at the moment, already seen the film so I know I will cry like a baby reading this.

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I'm reading Libra by Don DeLillo. I like his stuff but am finding it a bit hard-going.

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The Sleeping Doll by Jeffrey Deaver.

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I am reading White Teeth

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The Voodoo Queen by Robert Tallant
A book about the life of Marie Laveau.

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the mortal instruments series

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Currently reading the Millenium triligy (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo (read), The Girl Who Played with Fire (reading) and The Girl Who Kicked The Hornets Nest (next on the list!))
Really good books Happy

Think i may try reading Lord Of The Rings next as i've never read them.

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