What are you reading?

I'm reading <a href="http&#58;//www&#46;amazon&#46;co&#46;uk/gp/redirect&#46;html?ie=UTF8&amp;location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww&#46;amazon&#46;co&#46;uk%2FWomans-World-Graphic-Graham-Rawle%2Fdp%2F1843543680&amp;tag=cuouke-21&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;camp=1634&amp;creative=6738:9bc01">Woman's World</a> by Graham Rawle. It's a book that's made up entirely of words and phrases cut out of old fashion women's magazines, it's pretty awesome, though I predicted the plot twist right at the start of the book. 8)

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430 replies since 18th July 2007 • Last reply 18th July 2007

I am reading Enchantment by Orson Scott Card!

If you like fantasy I know a lot of books : )

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I just finished reading the final Harry Potter book and I'm currently half way through reading Kate Adie's autobiography. They're both rather good. :s

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I read 'Tales of the City' on my Summer Hols which was really good but now I have the bug and have to read the whole seven book set... Also reading 'Cats Eyes' by Margaret Atwood it's absolutely brilliant about a woman who can't get over a girl who tormented her when she was growing up.. very cool!

Collette x <!-- s:geek: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/geeky.gif" alt="geek" title="geek" /><!-- s:geek: -->

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Am reading number9dream by David Mitchell which is brilliant so far and listening to the Harry Potter books on my ipod. Never got into the whole Potter thing, but as the final book came out I thought I may as well. So am on Goblet of Fire now.

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Im new to this site. I am what can only be described as a book worm. Recently read the last harry potter book. Now Im looking for a nice romantic book hopefully one online. let me know if u find some.

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Do you want to read it online? I don't know if you can do that, but I'd reccomend The Love of Seven Dolls by Paul Gallico. So so so so magical and romantic.

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I still haven't finished Gödel, Escher, Bach, although it is a fantastic book on a number of levels.

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New Moon by Stephenie Meyer. Bella is totally starting to annoy me!!

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Listening to Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince on my ipod and STILL reading number9dream!

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Reading Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. It's a "children's novel" about a 12 year old evil genius: link for info:


I've never read any of the Harry Potter books, but my best friend has lent me her copies so I may join the rest of the reading world. I'll be doing that very soon... if I don't get sidetracked

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Finished New Moon, it was great and I can't wait until I can afford Eclipse lol!! I've also been reading the Harry Potter series over again so i'm on Half-Blood Prince. Also just started Interview with the Vampire as well. Sadly I have a lot of free time on my hands right now...

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Finished Half Blood Prince and Number 9 Dream. Half Blood Prince was a huge let down.. Nothing really happened and I am not a fan of her writing style at all! Still, I do enjoy the world she created and the characters.

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The last book I read cover to cover is The Harlequin by Laurell K. Hamilgon. I LOVE her Anita Blake series. As I write this though, I am listening to 'The Time Traveler's Wife' on my computer. Not really remarkable, but it's something.

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I just finished up My Friend Leonard by James Frey. I liked it quite a bit more than Million Little Pieces. I think it was a stronger book, much more emotional. I'd definately recommend it.

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