What are you reading?

430 replies since 18th July 2007 • Last reply 18th July 2007

Ooh! I'm right in the middle of GEB, though I put it up for a bit because my boyfriend gave me Flatland and Flatterland and I just fell in love with those, and before I got back my friend gave me The Aeneid and I'm trying to reread that and two others. But I also just got I am a Strange Loop, so back to GEB before I read his second one!

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I'm still reading the god delusion, but at work I am listening to The Diary Of Anne Frank on my ipod, it's read by Winona Ryder, who I think has the perfect voice for it Happy I'm half way through and I am loving it!

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oh that sounds awesome! I do that all the time, listen to a book i mean.

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I'm still reading Jane Eyre. I'm just too busy to be reading! Although I've got lots of train journeys next week so I have plenty of spare time. Then I need to get on with Tess Of The D'Urbervilles. But mainly I'm reading the Active Resistance To Propoganda over and over to get as much as I can from it before converting it into a play!

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I finished the Diary of Anne Frank today in work, I was crying obviously Happy Great book, I would highly recommend it Happy

Also, got a final bday package from Stephen, books! Russell Brands My Booky Wook, Nigella Lawsons Express and a book called, Ernie a photographers memoir from Tony Mendoza photos of his cat. YAY

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ergh the libary still hasn't gotten those books in yet Happy but I just started reading "Strays" by someone I cant seen to remeber at the moment.

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Omg Omg Omg now I'm reading Deathnote XD sorry but most of the time I read Manga's

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woo you can learn about heroin too now opposites! lol

booo library! I can't be bothered with libraries, I still owe them 51p for forgetting to renew them, they didn't ask for it when I last went in so don't ask, don't get haha Happy

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When I was 7, I got my first library card, and at that time, you could take 13 books at a time... so I did. And I still havn't returned them, so I owe like 250 dollars in fines Happy If I FIND the damn books it would only be like 20$

but a lot of the times, I just walk down to the library, get a book and read it there. Its much easier that way Happy

and I've started reading A Million Little Pieces [interesting begining, not what I was expecting though]

and I REALLY REALLY want to read stephen Hawking's "a brief history of time" but I am afraid it will be WAY over my head. But oh well, I still want to try it. Happy

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Russell Brand knows a lot of big words that I don't know! So big long words about something so completely mind boggling as time!? I'd never be able to read it properly although it would be so interesting.

I'm reading a book about yoga, but I keep reading at 2 am and can't stay focused so I've not learnt anything yet! I'm also reading a book about Buddhism.

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Yeah, Mr Brand is a very intelligent guy!

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Ok I have finally got to the actual position bit in my yoga book. Im still a bit of a cynic despite being a fairly open minded person i suppose I'll not be a cynic once I start doing it. I agree with a lot of what it's said though. It's hard to not be a cynic with that Bhuddism book as well, it's supposed to be an introduction to Bhuddism but it's very matter of factly maybe it's just the way it's been translated, I agree with some of what it says anyway I guess growing up with science makes you a cynic. I really feel like I need answers and to find a way of dealing with life and I think both are perfect for what I need despite the cynicism.

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I am listening to Kitchen Confidential on the ipod it's so good! Very interesting story about this chef working his way up whilst being a junkie, alcoholic!
Will finish that tomorrow and then I have In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, also on the ipod. I'm still reading The God Delusion at home and working my way through Nigella Lawsons Express Happy

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I finished In Cold Blood, I thought it was truly amazing. His writing is so descriptive and detailed. The story itself is terribly tragic, but the people involved are all so very intriguing.

I also listened to 1984 on my ipod. I really enjoyed that too.

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I'm still reading Tess Of The D'Urbervilles! It's taking so long to get through, but the end sounds so good that I want to get to it =P

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