You know the scene in The Empire Strikes Back when Luke has been drawn to the cloud city of Bespin and is running around looking super cool with his Blaster before heading into battle with Vader. Well That's me! Not a Jedi yet still relient on my blaster not the best with a nobeler weapon. I am looking out for my friends but not yet willing to embrace the truth of my life and the situations I will encounter, but hey I got some good friends and at least one of them can rip arms from sockets. So all I need a bit more training with Yoda and then bring it on Palapatine, you decrepit bitch!
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- followed Jaguar 06 Apr 20:07
- followed TrancyGirl 11 Mar 23:21
- followed Kearyn Malia 02 Mar 05:01
- commented on their comment comment Noted. and a plan is forming in my mind wuhaha to Knittin' Kitten 23 Feb 01:10
- commented on their comment i just came up with a really bad come on line for you. So what makes this knittin' Kitten purr? Not even chad micheal murray is that cheesy to Knittin' Kitten 21 Feb 23:39
- commented on their comment I'm losing touch or pissing off my friends hence the sudden attention grabbing. Wish you were around more for the banter and as someone that can get me back in with the jens. sigh i should never listen to andy, I think that will be my new years resolut... to Lost Penguin 02 Dec 01:35
- followed amie 22 Sep 18:34
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Okay, I don't know you, but hopefully I'll do okay on your Valentines. I'll need your address whenever. I've never done anything like this before, so bear with me. I'm a little nervous!!