So, I have no problem with any religion that doesn't hurt others or its members, and I like to think that I have a different or advanced view on religion, and its one of my favorite subjects.
Bascially, at its most simplistic form, I feel that every religion is correct, in that, if the follower is a better person, and lives a better life because of that religion, it is right for them. There should never be a "world-wide" religion because different people need to believe in different things in order to be a better person.
For me, though I completely respect Jesus, and believe he was a wonderful man, Christianity is not what I believe, and I cannot change that, nor can anyone else. I am a wiccan, a devout one at that, but I also don't believe Wicca is right for everyone.
And through all of my discussions with preachers, and Priests, and other religious zealots, I've come to think that I'd be able to reason with anyone who tries to convert me to whatever they believe...
but my assumption was WRONG, not because of what I'm doing... because in order for my "formula" or whatever to work, the other person needs to be REASONABLE.
I love religious debates [not fights, because those lead nowhere], but recently someone added me on myspace, and I go to his myspace, and its dedicated to God and Jesus, which is fine. I assume that he just wants to discuss religion with me. But no.... His first message to me is "The path you are on will surely lead you into the depths of Hell, and unless you start believing in Jesus our lord and savior, and repent all of your sins, you will never get into heaven"
Ok, thats not the part that peeves me to no end. I understand that, as a Christian, he wants to help his neighbor and doesn't want me to go to hell, so he is warning me.
So I send him a message thanking him for caring, but that I cannot change what I believe. I can not spontaniously spawn faith from nowhere, and believe something I simply don't. I respectfully decline his offer, and thank him, and tell him that I completely respect his beliefs and faith, and I believe its a wonderful things... but its just not for me.
So he starts saying that I am infected with the devil and that I am only saying these things because demons have taken me over, that I've let Satan into my life and that there is no turning back. That I am doomed to eternal damnation and will burn in hell.
I've always tried to be a good person. I've thought about others before myself [or at least tried to] and have tried to make people smile. I've always just wanted to help people with their problems, and make sure they are always happy, healthy, and will go on to help others.
and he is saying that I'm going to BURN IN HELL!? What? because I don't believe EXACTLY what he does and practice THE EXACT WAY he does. Because I deny his god as my own?
If, in fact, god is "a jealous god", as it says in the second commandment, and he would send me to hell because I don't believe in him, then I'm not quite sure he is worth worship. If he denies a person access into "heaven" when their entire life has been dedicated to helping "his children", how am I supposed to praise him, and worship him?
I'm not saying this is actually how God is, but this is the way that guy has portrayed his God, as a jealous, immature, spiteful god. And that just peeves me off, because I DO think that Christianity can help a lot of people to become better people, but who would want to be one if they believe that THAT is the kind of God they would be worshipping.
And yea... there is my rant
I'm honestly sorry if I have Offended anybody, because I realize that most people are Christian. I'm not at all bashing on Christianity, just the stupid people who call themselves christians and don't practice what they preach!
this is really long...
Don't be angry at God, it's his little sheeps that can be the bad ones! If God has the final judgement why are they telling you these things! Personally I just can't believe that there is a person in the sky controlling every thing, that is an idea, a symbol to help people understand what they can't explain. I hate people who think you're a satanist because you don't believe in God, God and the devil are one in the same you can't have one without the other. This whole hevan and hell thing is just a way for people to feel alright about dying, life is a bloody strange thing and people don't want to believe that it just ends and that's it, sleep.
I do beleieve in karma though, forces that don't have a personality or a face but a concious that controls the way of the world depending on what everyone does, all that good energy sort of stuff. Because even though I don't really believe in God I want to believe in something, I suppose that's just human and also I like fairies, I like the idea of magical mythical forces and as long as people are encouraged to be good then that's ok. Although that guy obviously believes he is a diciple and climed on his lovely white high horse because he believes in something so much that he thinks he knows what's right.
I'm Wiccan too, and I get that a LOT. It probably doesn't help that there's so much prejudice about Wicca, but that was still really harsh of him. But yeah, basically that guy was a complete asshole. He could be any religion or no religion, it's just more annoying cause he's using the name of a respectable religion to be a complete and utter shit.
Don't worry about this person, he is probably the same one that bugged me when I was on myspace, they troll the pages specifically looking for people of other faiths or like me no faith, to harass.
I understand that I shouldn't get upset, but people like him just make me want to punch him in the face!!! lol. but yea.... it sucks, I'll get over it. But this was a let-off-steam board, and I took advantage of that
Omg my teacher (I'm on a Christian school the school with the bible,BUT I'M NOT A CHRISTIAN) says that all the people who not believe in God Once have to decide.If they decide not to believe in god then they go to hell...
I REALLY HATE THIS D: (I don't believe it but it's making me mad)
if you live good and be a nice person who helps other people I gues you come back as a better person (Woot Nelson Mandela lived allot of lifes then O_o)
Yeah, I personally can't believe in a God who would send people to hell. It just doesn't compute to me.
Shryo, I go to a Catholic college and there's a spiritual journey teacher there who said everyone who isn't Catholic (not even Christian, Catholic) is going to hell and really upset some people. I hate people that do that.
But yeah, basically it's shitty and awful and it shouldn't be a big deal but unfortunately it is
No matter what religion you are, a majority of the world disagrees with you... hehehe.
One thing I hate living in the Bible Belt is that everyone has their drawers in a knot about religion. EVERYONE. Not just the religious nuts, but the anti religious nuts, and the people who just want to be left alone. I can't even have a conversation about the Bible (or other religious text) as literature with my boyfriend in public because /everyone/ has to butt in.
And if the person talking is religious, I'm automatically going to hell, and if the person I'm talking to is not part of mainstream religion (as far as this town is concerned) I'm automatically going to tell them to go to hell, but not before they tell me I'm stupid and narrow minded.
My primary school was church of england so we learnt the bible stories and I used to pray but I just stopped because of the way my life was going and I just couldn't believe in it. The people in the bible are symbols, ways to teach us morals and lessons. I don't wanna feel like I'm in a trance, it doesn't say anything to me and doesn't answer any questions. I bought a book about Buddhism today because I like what I already know about it I dunno if I'll become a buddhist but I need some enlightenment! Spirtuality really appeals to me, like I said before maybe cuz I'm human but with buddhism its about karma, understanding yourself and others rather then following rules.
An openly gay American bishop is over in the UK and this other bishop was like 'the bible says that being gay is a sin' the bible also says treat others as you would want them to treat you, I just couldn't believe that a man who is supposed to be a pilar of the community, someone who is supposed to give advice and generally be nice could say such a thing. The bible says it yes but the bible isn't what it was, heck when it was copied in latin and put into english all it takes is one error to have a sentence that means something completely different to what it originally meant and who knows who has changed it in the past (*cough* popes).
Well that's like the witch thing, isn't it? It didn't say "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", it was "thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live"
Buddhism is really interesting, I wish I could be Buddhist but I just like things too much!
I think only buddhist monks follow that properly, but I know I have everything I need anything else I know I just want, but because of lack of money I've learnt to control spending and I always feel all dull and empty after the excitment of buying, I'm often too excited about things I've bought and a lot of the time it's felt like the only thing I have to look forward to is stuff. I appreciate everything of course though. It's more the inner peace thing and meditation just controlling my stress and anxiety and happiness from just being alive not from stuff although that's sort of the materialism side sorted just not to the T. Uurgh my stomachs all knotted because if I'm gonna be a buddhist I'll feel like I have to do it properly but I love this computer because of the board and msn but see it's not so much the thing it's more the people on here I talk too!
I think you can probably follow the faith of Buddhism without having to strictly follow every rule. I think it's basically about being a good person though =P
THank you kitten! Ohh, I hate that verse in the bible, because its been quoted to me about 20 times!
I'm glad to be able to know what it was REALLY supposed to be translated to.
and I'm slightly buddhist as well. Like kitten said, I like stuff to much, and even though its usually just the monks that follow that strictly, I still kind of don't agree, for me anway.
Even so, I have a psychologist friend that told me he had gone to train with the buddhist monks for a year, and I really want to do that. But only for 6 months. He told me a bunch of stories of his "antics" over there. Such as scaring their 20 foot anaconda into hiding in their pond for a week[he was rather startled when he was just meditating, and he suddenly feels something in his lap, and there he sees a snake head the size of a shoe... lol], peeing on one of them, and tearing one of their paper walls
I'm the same way. I'm Christian and I am proud of it. But I don't shove my belief's down others throats. If someone asks me why I believe in the things that I do, then I explain but I'm not going to try to force somebody else to change. I love diversity, and I love learning about other religions. The one that really gets to me is Islam because it actually has a lot to do with Christian beliefs, but nobody really takes the time to see that.
I don't like to think that just because somebody doesn't believe in God that they're going to spend eternity in Hell. I like to think that as long as someone is a good person and lives a good life then they will make it to Heaven.
With all of the religions, of course, they can't all be right. But nobody surely knows what awaits life after death.
And Islam and Christianity have a lot in common with Judaism.
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