People Need to Keep Their Hands to Theirselves

so I am sewing a dress completely from thrift store clothes, two items, and I keep the fabric ALWAYS, you never know when you are going to need more. So what does my mother do, she comes down into my sewing corner and throws it all away! I am beyond frustrated, I was going to finish my dress tonight for a dance tomorrow and suddenly I am sans enough material to put a finish on the bust area, to sew pockets, and almost maybe enough to salvage some shitty ass straps together. I am beyond pissed off, its really really hard to find material that matches, when you are using thrifted clothes. I just dont get it, 90% of the time she isnt in the basement, and the one time she decides to pick up down here she throws everything I need away. I love my mom dearly, but sometimes I get sooo frustrated, that I look forward to going back to school. oh well...back to sewing, sorry I just needed to rant to people who would understand. Happy

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8 replies since 1st August 2008 • Last reply 1st August 2008

That sucks, usually I'm the one who accidentally throws away my own stuff. LOL

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uurgh she doesn't throw stuff away but she puts it away some where and then when I ask her where such a thing is, it's 'How should I know!?'!!!

Hope you find some matching material! Is there no way you could salvage it from the bin :S

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that sign sounds like a good idea
maybe you could use a solid color material to fill in the blanks so to speak

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I found some leftovers from the bodice thankfully, so I was able to finish it off, no pockets, but I think it looks better without anyway. I would have fished it out of the garbage...except garbage day happened to be that morning..oh well, such is life. My mom does the moving stuff too...I think its a mom thing.

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haha, I've definitely done that..usually with patterns though (newspaper patterns....look a lot like...well...newspaper)

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haha, yah well, she did feel pretty badly, but she was happy when she saw I finished it last I have to get downstairs today before her and clean up all my leftovers ;)

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Ah my mum does that a lot =P she likes to clean things up, whereas I'm of the mindset that I should keep EVERYTHING, just in case

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