1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008

aargh. why are there mosquitos inside the house in midwinter!

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My first post, I need to rant, so thought I might as well just go for it....

1. I need more space and more time for my projects?
2. Why can't I knit, crochet and sew at the same time?
3. Why isn't it pay day already?
4. Why can't my ex husband leave me alone?
5. Why does he want to take me to court over custody of a dog he didn't want?
6. Why does everything cost so much?
7. Why are my family so dysfunctional?
8. Why am I addicted to the crafts section of Ebay? Particularly the Fabric subsection, ooohhh and the knitting one, and the sewing one, and then there are the random searches for dragons (like I need anymore)
9. Why is there never anywhere to park near the good charity shops that I drive past on the way to work?
10. Why do I have to get dispose of/store some of my books because I don't have any room for the ones I pick up in the second hand shops?

Sorry..... maybe I should be quiet lol

Hi All, Kimmi here, love the site Happy


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Hi Kimmi! What?he wants to take you to court over that?thats just mean and crazy!And I have boxes of books,because of the same reason,nerves me too.
And Michelle I pluged his nose,he woke up and HE was mad,because I dont let him sleep!the nerve... Happy

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Yes Violetta. We got divorced, he didn't want the dog or the cat, then he decided he wanted the dog for the weekend (when he felt like it) I said NO, he wants to take me to court so he can see the dog....
It would actually be quite funny if it wasn't so sad ;-)

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your right kimmi, thats just odd and stupid on his part

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oh my, that sound so ridiculous, kimmi!! never heard from a fight for a dog...

so, my rant Happy after three nights with not much sleep and two weeks of hard work i finished my portfolio for a collection we had to make in school. I even skipped my classes today to finish and bring it to the print shop! so, two hours ago, when i just arrived from print shop a classmate mailed me, that we have another month of time for it because some people didn´t finish yet... it´s not the first time i strained myself to finish projects in time and than found out that some classmates say "oh, i haven´t it finished, maybe next week" and some of our teachers think that´s ok!!! i mean, it´s "just" school at the moment, but if some people can´t manage their time and don´t learn how to do it in future, what will they do if they have a real job??

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Oh that annoys me so much too Lala, when you stay up all night working on something then find out that just because someone else didn't do it you didn't have to. It's like you're getting punished for actually following the rules. I work so hard to get my work in on time and I know if I don't then I'm gonna get in trouble, but some people just get away with everything.

Mine is just a little one today, but I'm sick of being tired all the time. I just don't ever have the energy to do stuff any more.

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you need ME time, I feel your pain.

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That's so ridiculous Kimmi!! The poor doggie! >.<

And Violetta, that was HILARIOUS!! That you plugged your husband's nose, I mean. Think I will try that with my boyfriend and have Mom try it with my step-dad. I'm dying to know what you actually used, though!! =)

Now for my rant! My silly car has gone off again! THIS time, apparently I have a hole in the resonator pipe - how it got there, I don't really know, unless it was from getting stuck in that evil mud-hole last weekend.... lots of rain + soggy ground = lots of messy mudholes. ANYWAY, so my step-dad took it to the local mechanic who is a total rip-off.... charged $65 for an oil change. I told my step-dad not to let him do it, as I have a coupon for a $20 change at Jiffy Lube - but he decided to pay for it rather than me for whatever reason, thank goodness.

The problem is that I have to replace the entire resonator pipe which is going to be somewhere around $250 JUST for the pipe... so that PLUS labor - which hopefully we won't have done on the island, cuz we'll just get ripped off as usual - and I can't drive it anymore than I HAVE to until I fix it, which is crappy because my boyfriend lives an hour away, so i'm used to driving it a lot! In the meantime, it sounds like it's going to attack someone! HAHA! you know those really loud cars that go zooming by that everyone hates listening to? Yeah, that's mine right now. RAWR!

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oh no, car problems!

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I hate chasing clients, and running your own business is mega hard. Sigh, I don't even know how I am going to do it, I love being a photographer, but people here don't want to pay money for services, I am not even charging alot

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I'm going in for the HPV vaccine tomorrow and I'm terrified. I have a phobia of needles and have avoided this at all costs as it's not mandatory, but I can only get it while I'm still 18 and I know I should...doesn't stop me wanting to run screaming. Andy's coming along to help me get through it and apparently the nurse is really nice so I'm hoping that I'm just worrying over nothing and this will be help me get over my fear...but I was looking up about the vaccine and like 44 women died shortly after getting it, and they say it's not *necessarily* linked but I'm still scared. And some women have got other forms of cancer straight after getting it. And some women have developed blood clots after, but only if they're on something which would already trigger it, like the contraceptive pill, WHICH I AM ON. And I'm scared that the needle's gonna break off in my arm or I'll get an air bubble and I don't want to die just yet, or at least not like this!

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Is that the Gardasil vaccine, or something different? I know the Gardasil one comes in three parts, and I had it done a few years ago. And I used to have a total needle phobia as well, so I know how you feel. I would cry and hide when it was time to get a shot or get a cavity filled at the dentist, because I hated needles so much - and this wasn't very many years ago. LoL. But when I was 15, I had surgery, and kind of.... got over it. That is to say, I still don't LIKE needles, but they don't terrify me so much anymore. I know when I got the Gardasil, the only side effects I had were, naturally, my arm hurting a bit and I got a teeny tiny bit queasy a few hours after. Never enough to be sick or anything - just annoying, and nothing a pepto bismol didn't cure! So don't worry! You definately won't have an air bubble and there's no way the thing is going to break off into your arm. Also, I'm on birth control, and no blood clots or nasty side effects for me! So just... breathe.... hold somebody's hand if you're scared, and look away from the needle. If you distract yourself, it'll be over before you know it!! <3

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Erm not sure but sounds like it, I have to have it in three parts.
I haven't had anything in a long time but my last experience was a blood test, and I had to be pinned down to the chair, it hurt so much I was crying and screaming and I fainted after. Andy's coming in with me, we were discussing options earlier - he could bite me on the other arm so I focussed more on that pain, or he could just distract me (although I always feel like I have to watch). And I'm trying to focus on what I'm gonna do after; definitely gonna get some chocolate or ice cream, maybe go to town and buy an amp if I can find one cheap enough, maybe go to the pub, or maybe just go back to Andy's so he can cheer me up ;) haha sorry.

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take a deep breath and look away, talk to andy and tell the nurse about your phobia. Nurses are great, and they will help you out.

I had a mostly pain free day, woot

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