aw knittin' i'm sorry girl i don't know what to say except i am here for you and I understand
my rant:
i am really tired of putting 110% into things and not getting 110% percent back from others i get so excited about these things and then i feel so let down, then that makes me angry. sometime it's like people don't even try!
My passports not ready.My band is going without me to Romania.This sucks.
Bleh I'm sorry Violetta, that's so shitty =(
Heather, it is horrible when people don't treat you the way you deserve to be treated.
I actually have vaguely good news for once - I talked to my mum about the surgery thing today and she's agreed to help me to try and sort something out, so hopefully I'll get something done privately in Bristol over the summer!
I have no friends. No one who deserves to be called a friend, let alone, best friend or close friend. I don't push people away, they just do shit that's not okay in my book and they know it.
I'm jealous of my boyfriend. He has friends, he can leave his house, he is rarely bored. All I do is work a few days a week, sleep, and sometimes hang out with my sister and her dealers -_-
I don't smoke btw.
I lost my motivation to sew =(
I wish I could travel but I don't have the means to at the moment.
I turn 18 in 8 days. I'm not having a party because my dad says we're broke.
Working at a movie theater isn't as cracked up as it seems. I HATE POPCORN WITH A PASSION.
I am your friend Miss.
Aw.. Thank you Krafty =]
Real vampires don't sparkly ;) i prefer Tru Blood its way better.
It's all about House Of Night and Anne Rice. Everything else is stupid.
I dont mean the Books i mean the programmes. Although once again i still say tru blood books are better than the twilight ones.
Tru Blood.... ehh... My sister is trying to get me into it, but iono. Tell me more about it and then maybe I'll read it while at my next trip to the bookstore.
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