1712 replies since 9th December 2008 • Last reply 9th December 2008

You have a witness as to the state you were in when you went back in the house. I presume you have the remnants of your clothes.
I know you don't want to have to grass on someone who's a friend of your friends but you have been assaulted, he can't feel he can do this to you and get away with it.

Also I think you maybe could do a womens self-defence course, I'm sure you could find a free one. It will also make you more confident and assertive.

End of lecture=)

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Laurel's right. You need to report that, he sounds extremely dangerous. For your own psychological wellbeing AND because he might well try that on another person soon if he isn't stopped.

Hope you do and hope you have someone to talk to to help you recover from this nasty experience.

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Just a minor rant.

My nextdoor neighbour is drilling in his flat. He's ALWAYS drilling in there (for 3 or 4 months).

Now, the vibrations are cracking the plaster in MY flat!

My only mercy is we have the same landlord, so if she complains about my cracky wall, I can refer her to his house full-o-holes. Grr.

I just cannot fathom why he (noisily) drills his rented flat day after day!!

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sweetie report it, its battery

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That kind of thing is so hard to make stick though, police just aren't interested. And no one saw what happened - he could say that I lead him on and I'd asked him to do it or something. I found out that my friend Nick brought him, and he'd told Nick he was gay...I don't know if he was, he might be. He definitely hated women but that doesn't mean anything either way. Apparently he was going round all night telling people that he was crazy though. But obviously no one thought he was serious, just thought he was drunk and being silly.

I think the best thing to do is just forget about it. And maybe take some self-defence classes.

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Knittin'...don't be crazy. DO NOT FORGET ABOUT IT. Because police don't give a crap is why guys think they can get away with this kind of abuse.

Never let yourself be in that kind of situation again. Women have to protect themselves because no one else will do it for us. Next time, watch how much you're drinking. Don't get wasted. If you feel that you may be in danger run! Call the cops RIGHT THEN. Call someone to come get you and take you home. If you don't call him out on it he'll feel like he can get away with doing it again. And maybe next time it wont be with you. Maybe it will be with some other girl (maybe even a child) and what happens if they are permanently damaged. (never able to have children, etc)

Don't let him get away with it. The cops may not lock him up, but there will be a report, and a record of his past behavior, if it ever happens again.

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yup, if its written, it exists. Don't run away from it, make your report. You may be able to protect another girl from the same thing, or next time one swift kick to the privates

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I'm generally a nice person and I can get along with anybody, including enemies if I had any. But my inner-bitch is gonna surface if people don't stop attacking me just because they don't like what the fuck I say!!!!! I'm not gonna say anything more because if I do, it's just gonna piss me off to the highest pisstivity, but people will see my true ugly side if this keeps up.

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creative, some people can't stand criticism, even construstive. But I love you and you keep being yourself. KISSES

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Thanks Michelle!! HUGS right back at ya

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love you

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FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! I could have sworn this was craft site, but since I got called out because of something I was referring to as an example (in no way was it bashing anybody), I had to show my ass!!! Me acting/being ignorant in public is an embarrassment to me, but it sometimes happens when I have to defend myself, which is also something I'm tired of having to do, and on a craft site no less. It takes a lot to anger me, so when I have reached my limit I go off!!! I may have said some things I shouldn't have, but I'm not taking it back. Don't put me on blast and think I won't retaliate. I'm so mad right now I could spit bullets!! I'm not gonna go on too much about this because it's not good for me, just want to vent a little (on the proper thread) so I can feel better and move on. But don't think I'm going to hold back stating my opinion(s) or anything else I want to talk about just because people have a problem with what I say. And I'm a grown woman, don't tell me what to do. My mother doesn't so I won't have anybody else doing it.
Ok, I'm done, because I'm mad at myself too for letting someone get me this worked up and about nothing.

BTW, I am not speaking to any of you in particular except one person maybe, but mainly just in general.

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Baaaahhhh,they just called me that we are performing tomorrow night.I dont feel like singing at all.

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Aaaawww Violetta you sing? That's amazing, if you're being booked for performances then you must have a very good talent for singing. I say embrace it, close your eyes and imagine you are in your bedroom singing into a hairbrush!!

You may feel differently tomorrow though so just chill and do whatever you do to make you feel better. I'm sending positive thoughts your way honey.

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I went to the store today and got 6 items, shamoo, condition, sunscreen, face cream, a bottle of water and toothpaste

it cost me $60!!!!!! WTF!

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