October 2010
how do you do this 12th October 2010[IMG]http://i56.tinypic.com/2h66jae.jpg[/IMG] the lettering5 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
How to fix an accidental slit 10th October 2010I was tryin to cut out something on my latest project and i accedentally made a biggish slit HOW DO I PATCH IT UP!?!?!? i was thinking you could use a big zig-zag stitch over ut but i just wanted to see if there were other solutions2 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Flaked On Swap 9th October 2010Ok, this is just an idea. I've noticed that quite a few people have been flaked on, but they still have the items that they've made, and no one to give them too. What if you guys got together and swapped your pre-packaged things? If you get something that doesn't suit your...12 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
(not sug's)Kawaii Swap 9th October 2010ok i wanted to do a fun swap sorry about all the rules but far to many flakers lately *you must have successfully completed two swaps or have a great refernce for one. *If you have been listed on one the flaker list even if it was resolved you may not join. *must have contact...107 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Shrinking Plastic 9th October 2010heya does any one no wheather type 1 plastic works the same as shrink plastic ???????0 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
not so secret santa swap 8th October 2010PARTNERS POSTED who is excited for christmas time? I am, and who wants to get a head start? Raises hand meeee. anyway the send out would be late November, this way we all get an extra christmas gift. Its up to you how many items you send, ask your partner. Vets only, must have...129 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
HELP!! wrap around tea cosy pattern wanted...searched everywhere (online) 8th October 2010I'm looking for a pattern for a wrap around tea cosy. i've looked online but cant find any anywhere!! i want to make one for my partner's Gran for christmas and wanna start making things early (incase i manage to get a job!) can anyone help me?2 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
serger help! 8th October 2010I just got my new shirring foot in the mail! I thought it would be so easy and make my life so simple..HA! Im sure its about patience, I cannot find a single instruction video anywhere..0 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Create your own Marvel super hero 7th October 2010So on the Marvel site there is this great super hero creator. I seriously sink hours into that thing making dozens of super heros and I thought it would be fun to share the link and see what everyone else comes up with! The challenge is to go to the link, create a completely...16 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Random Color Craft Challenge! 7th October 2010So I got this idea randomly... I had an idea to do a random craft challenge. You go to the website, spin the wheel, and it gives you a color scheme. You then, create any craft you want based on that color scheme. Kind of random and pointless, but helps get you out of a color...13 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Sugs's Goodies 7th October 2010Thought I share with you all what is currently in my shop. Making room for more stuff
check it out!!
6 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago -
Where can I find traditional medieval music? 7th October 2010I'm looking for traditional Celtic and medieval music but can't find anywhere.. Where can I download some, or at least find a list of popular songs or artists?5 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Plastic Bread Bag Clip Challenge 6th October 2010Do you collect bread bag clips? I do too, I have a whole bunch of them now and I think it's time they found a purpose. My craft challange is to see who can make the most intresting thing out of plastic bread clips. I will choose a winner by November 30th 2010 and send out a...17 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
wanted bunny pattern 4th October 2010one that looks like a real bunny sitting. any one have one or know where one is on the web I dont leave the house much , so that is where I get things. thanks9 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Weird Little Things Shop 2nd October 2010Not sure if this is the right place, I hope so! I have an etsy I just opened up that I'd like to link. It's mostly charms right now but eventually I hope to add more jewelry and figurines. http://www.etsy.com/shop/Abbyka If you see any projects of mine on here that you would...14 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
fake blood questionnn! 2nd October 2010If you make fake blood from karo corn starch, will it dry? or stay like wet? im going to "zombie walk" today and i was just wondering.1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
September 2010
Could I ask a favor? 30th September 2010Hi, I am one of the finalists in Creating Keepsakes Teen Talent Contest! Out of 500 entries, I am one of the 10 finalists! Crazy right? Well heres the thing, I am planning a big giveaway on my blog if I win! So go vote for me! It would make my day! Here's the link:...10 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Studio Ghibli Swap 27th September 2010**********THIS SWAP IS CLOSED************ This idea just popped into my head! I'd love to do a Studio Ghibli swap. Here are the rules - you must have completed a swap. if you are still in the process of your first swap you are not eligible. sorry, we've just had too many...14 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
PaperCloth 27th September 2010Does anyone play with making PaperCloth ? If so what dilution do you use for the glue? Can anyone suggest an organic glue at won't mold?6 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Adding Shine to Paint 27th September 2010How would you add a shiny top coat to acrylic craft paint? I know I could get a high gloss paint, but that only comes in large quantities.4 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
New Happygrams Thread 25th September 2010Right, as there is still no option to delete one's own forum threads I am editing the first post. I had thought that this had died and was quite content to let it be buried under newer posts, however, it seems to have resurrected, so this is me sticking a fork in and saying...57 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
10/10/10 Postcard Swap! 24th September 201010/10/2010 is almost here! What better way to comemorate than with a swap? The idea is to send 10 postcards to 10 people on 10/10/10. Now, the only problem with this is that 10/10 falls on a Sunday, and the post office will be closed... So send out will have to be on...32 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
EDDIE HALLOWEEN 23rd September 2010so ive been looking for an eddie (iron maiden) mask but cant find any i like. ive looked for make up tutorials that look like him also. i cant seem to find anything. does anyone know where i could find a tutorial for this? im looking along the lines of the number of the beast....3 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Arrr, Pirate Swap! 20th September 2010Arrr! Ahoy there me hearties! As the official talk like a pirate day was on the 19th I think it’s a good time t' do a pirate swap, gar! Aye, who's with me? Thar be pirates, wenches, ships, treasure chests, cap’ns, parrots, skulls, flags, tattoo's, sea creatures loads o' ideas,...126 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
EYES! 20th September 2010where could i find those pop-on eyes that you can use on stuffed animals? (besides ripping them out of my teddys head)6 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Christmas tree swap 19th September 2010Calling Feltie Christmas tree swappers I designed these so they could fold flat in padded envelopes and they went all over the world very successfully. Anyone fancy giving this a go ?...43 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
construction help? 19th September 2010does anyone kno how this tutu is able to stay up? is there something inbetween the tulle? sewin tips?
thx quite-contrary.org/images/costuming/2007_black_swan_tutu.jpg
5 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago -
How to untangle wig? 18th September 2010I got a cheap-o wig made out of olefin, though the ends tend to tangle. It's one of those wigs that can be bought under ten bucks that you can find at Wal-Mart or a party store. The hairs seems much more delicate then my other synthetic extensions, and I don't want to ruin it...1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
costume help please!! 18th September 2010im invited to a p-party and wanna go there as a paramecium!! any great ideas how can i make a simple, well-priced but funky costume?? im a bit overloaded in my head at the mo... would be great if you have any suggestions!!!1 reply · Last reply over 14 years ago
Giveaway! 16th September 2010I am giving away Big Hurry's EP on my blog- http://alwaysspreadlove.blogspot.com/2010/09/new-music-thursday-big-hurry-giveaway.html This band is so cute, be sure to check them out and tell your friends about them! Oh, and it is open to all countries!0 replies · Last reply over 14 years ago
Swap request
HappyGram swap??
Swaps on CO+K: Can I get your opinion on a few ideas?
Business Name
What to do with a massive feather?
Your Business Questions AMA
Terrarium/Cacti Books available to swap (London)
Xmas swap
Move from folksy to Etsy
Creation of the Ovi Wooden Watches