New Happygrams Thread

57 replies since 25th September 2010 • Last reply 25th September 2010

I'm sending one out today!

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I've sent out one but will be delayed with next had a bit of emergency surgery yesterday should feel better soon.

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1st one sent yesterday!
Debs- hope everything is ok!

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Oh...I wub you kiddo! What a nice surprise! (Are we supposed to post here when we get one, like on regular swaps? I don't know the rules!) ha!

Anyways, just in case I'm supposed to, here is a quick picture of my lovely little happy gram. I really wasn't expecting it at all! (My husband says, "duh, thats why it's a happy gram, obviously") lol She also included one of her sloths. It's sooo cute! I've been coveting one since we saw where it was featured on Etsy! ;)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

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Crap, forgot to mention that I'm sending out my happy gram tomorrow. I've been out a pair of glasses for a week and unable to drive. But I just got some new ones in the mail so I'm good. I had a couple of other things that have to be mailed tomorrow, so I just waited on the happy gram. Hope that's ok.

God...I talk to much. SORRY!!! lol

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Thanks Melissa.My happygram arrived in the middle of our first winter "rain event".Still feeling sore but you cheered me up Happy

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So happy it made your day!

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Have sent the second one.
Laurel found a Happygram all prepped to cheer someone up on my desk.Ping me an addy and I'll share the Happy
Melissa-turned out they removed some jaw-bone explains why I'm so sore had more treatment today review tomorrow.

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my HG is on it's merry way Happy

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Debs I'll PM you when I get in from town this aft.
I don't do pinging, I think it came and went in the U.K w/out much fanfare lol
Hope you feel better soon, I have jaw issues and I know it can make you really miserable.

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I got a Happy-gram! I don't know who it is from, but it had a great bookmark in it which I loved because before I checked the mail I put my book down and had saved my place with a scrap piece of paper, NOW I am using the bookmark and it's awesome! So... Thanks so much!

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I also got a happygram without a name! It was a lovly card, with a phrase on it from ronald dahl. thanks to the one that sended it! xx

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I got a happygram today!! It's from Dessah and it was very cute Happy The note made me laugh.

Please excuse the little mess in the background of the pic, the tissue back there is because I just got over a cold. This happygram came at a good time for me. I found it when I came back from waiting 3 hours at a clinic to see a doctor for 5 mins.

So I got a cute chocolate chip cookie hairclip, a couple of stickers and a pretty card!

Thanks again Dessah!

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I got mine from Dustee! Thanks so much! My nephew and I were all over that coloring sheet Happy

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What a great idea! I would love to join!

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