Could someone PLEASE post the instructions for the duct tape rose ring. I have searched this site and found NADA. I have googled and googled for days and have only found how to make the rose which is too tall for a ring. There is some sites where you can purchase a PDF instruction manual but they want 7 bucks for it. THATS JUST CRAZY!!!!!!!
I need to know how to make them flat and small like the ones on etsy.I am currently unemployed and very short on cash. I would like to make some so my daughter has some new fashionables for the new school year. I already have duct tape from previous projects!


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1 reply since 15th June 2011 • Last reply 15th June 2011

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/64126504@N04/5837430655/" title="ZZZZZZZZZZZ by shannybug77, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5073/5837430655_f63fe27c31.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="ZZZZZZZZZZZ"></a>

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